Tax Rates 2020 - CFR

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The Jesuit Order’s Pfizer Marypoison Vaccine

❗ The Jesuit Order’s Pfizer Marypoison Vaccine

July 22, 2020 — ‘US Signs Contract with Pfizer for COVID-19 Vaccine Doses’
“Washington—Trump administration will pay Pfizer nearly $2 billion for a December delivery of 100 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine the pharmaceutical company is developing, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar announced Wednesday. The U.S. could buy another 500 million doses under the agreement, Azar said. … The program aims to deliver 300 million doses of a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine by January 2021. … Pfizer and BioNTech said the U.S. will pay $1.95 billion upon receipt of the first 100 million doses it produces … Britain announced Monday it had secured access to another 90 million experimental COVID-19 vaccines made by Pfizer … The FDA has told manufacturers it expects any vaccine to be at least 50% effective to qualify.”
[^ Behold the Jesuit Order’s Holy Congregation for Propaganda of the Doctrine of the Catholic Faith, i.e. The Inquisition.]

April 27, 2018 — Pfizer: ‘We Are One’ [Displays Roman Catholic Crucifix as Focus @0:33]

“Through 6-12 month paid internships, Pfizer intends to offer opportunities to brilliant professionals of the future. For this reason, it has entered into partnerships with some of the best research institutes and universities (… Cattolica [Jesuit Controlled Franciscan ‘University of the Sacred Heart, Milan’], … La Sapienza [Jesuit Controlled] .” [Emphasis Mine]

Possible (Not Probable) Jesuit Priests Related to Pfizer Co-Founder Charles Erhart
~ Rev. Henry J. Erhart, S.J.
~ Joseph F. X. Erhart, S.J.

William Bentley Ball, K.S.G.
~ Legal Counsel Department — Pfizer Inc.
~ Jesuit Catholic Laymen
~ Catholic Educated, (Jesuit Controlled) Private ‘University of Notre Dame’ (1948)
~ Augustinian Educated, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private Augustinian ‘Villanova University School of Law’
~ Catholic Educated, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private Sister’s of Notre Dame ‘Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin School’
~ Member, Board of Governors, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private ‘Thomas Aquinas College’
~ General Counsel, Pennsylvania Catholic Conference, Public Policy Wing of the Roman Catholic Church, Pennsylvania
~ Papal Knight, (Jesuit Created and Controlled) ‘Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great’
~ Honorary Degree, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private ‘Catholic University of America’
~ Honorary Degree, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private Franciscan ‘St. Francis College’
“Following school Ball began to practice Corporate Law for … Pfizer Drug Co. Ball visited the Vatican where he was made a Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great for his services to the Catholic Church and Faith. In 1986, following the ascension of William Rehnquist to Chief Justice, William Ball was one of many considered for the Associate Justice seat that went to [Jesuit Georgetown University’s] Antonin Scalia.” [Emphasis Mine]
—William Bentley Ball; ‘The Catholic University of America: The American Catholic History Research Center and University Archive’
“William Bentley Ball, one of the nation’s foremost Catholic constitutional lawyers and a member of the Thomas Aquinas College Board of Governors … received his law degree from the University of Notre Dame in 1948. After working in the legal departments of … Pfizer, Inc., he taught constitutional law at the Villanova University School of Law from 1955 to 1960. He then served as General Counsel to the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference for the next eight years, after which he formed the Harrisburg, Penn., law firm of Ball, Skelly, Murren & Counsel, where he continued to represent the Conference until his death. … In Search of A National Morality (Baker Books/Ignatius Press 1992), … Mr. Ball became fast friends with Thomas Aquinas College … Over the next several years, he provided valuable assistance to the College … His love for the College endured, and in 1996 he accepted an invitation to serve on the College’s Board of Governors, a magnanimous commitment in view of the many worthy organizations and institutions clamoring for his attention. A model of Christian charity, William Bentley Ball was the legal giant of our times for Christians everywhere,” said President Thomas E. Dillon, who attended his funeral in Harrisburg, Penn. ‘The College is profoundly grateful to this champion of religious freedom not only for the achievements he won for so many, but for his commitment to authentic Catholic liberal education and to Thomas Aquinas College in particular.’ Mr. Ball’s family directed that memorial contributions be sent to the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation or to Thomas Aquinas College.”
—Thomas Aquinas College; ‘Thomas Aquinas College Newsletter,’ (Winter: 1999–2000)

John E. McKeen
~ ‘Director, Vice-president, Member of the Executive Committee, Executive Vice-President and President, Chairman of the Board’ — Pfizer Inc.
~ Catholic Educated, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private Congregation of the Mission ‘St. John's Preparatory School (Brooklyn, NYC)’
~ Honorary Degree, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private Congregation of the Mission ‘St. John's University (New York City)’
[Founder of the Congregation of the Mission; Vincent de Paul was a member of the Priory of/at Sion after being absorbed by the Jesuit Order (1617–19) making Vincent de Paul a Jesuit]
~ Honorary Degree, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private ‘Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Milan, Italy)’
~ Awarded Honorary, Commander, ‘Order of Merit of the Italian Republic’ (1955)
“John E. McKeen received his Secondary Education at St. John's Preparatory School, Brooklyn, N. Y., … He began his business career in 1926 as a Control Chemist with Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc., Brooklyn, manufacturing Chemists … He was elected a Director of the firm in 1944, Vice-President in 1945, and a member of the Executive Committee later that year. In 1948 he was elected Executive Vice-President and in 1949 he became President, in which office he continues, and since 1950 he also has been Chairman of the Board … In 1880, Pfizer began producing citric acid from citrate of lime imported from Italy … Mr. McKeen holds honorary LL.D. Degrees from … St. John's University in Brooklyn … In 1958, he was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Agricultural Sciences by the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, Italy. … His honorary awards include … commander, Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (1955), …”
—James T. White; ‘The National Cyclopædia of American Biography,’ Vol. 1 or 60, p. 294, (New York: 1960)

Robert L. Shafer, S.M.O.M.
~ Former Vice-President of Public Affairs and Government Relations (1966–96) — Pfizer Inc.
~ Benedictine Educated, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private Benedictine ‘College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University’
~ Jesuit Educated, Private Jesuit ‘Georgetown University’
~ Permanent Observer, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Sovereign Military Order of Malta, United Nations, NYC (2004–15)
~ Chairman, Bord of Directors, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private ‘Convent of the Sacred Heart (Connecticut)’
~ Member, Board of Regents, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private ‘St. John’s University’
“As a representative of Pfizer, he lobbied the U.S. Congress and the governments of other countries where Pfizer had subsidiary corporations.”

Pfizer Receives Vatican’s Blessing on Viagra
“Pfizer even sent representatives the Vatican to see how the Catholic Church would respond to the pill. Luckily for Pfizer, the Vatican approved of Viagra because of its ability to marital sexual encounters.”

John G. Wall
~ Mechanical Engineer — Pfizer Inc.
~ Grand Knight of St. Nicholas Council, Jesuit Created & Controlled Roman Catholic Military Knights of Columbus
~ Member, (Jesuit Created & Controlled) Roman Catholic Secret Society Ancient Order of Hibernians, Division 29, NY County
“Even before the French Revolution there existed in Spain Secret-Societies, some averse to Monarchical Government, others in favour of clerocracy. Among the latter may be mentioned the ‘Concessionists,’ who carried their zeal for Ferdinand VII. And their tenderness for the Church to such a degree as to desire the return of the blessed times of the Holy Inquisition. They also sought to get hold of the management of public affairs to turn them to their own profit; and the dismal administration of the Bourbons shows that they partly succeeded. Probably from this association arose that of the ‘Defenders of the Faith,’ Jesuits in disguise, who in 1820 spread themselves over Spain, taking care of the throne and altar, and still more of themselves.”
—Charles William Heckethorn (1826–1902; Swiss-British, Prolific Writer, Historian); ‘Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries,’ Vol. 2, p. 213, (London: 1875)
“This strange alliance of Catholicism with brigandage is not incomprehensible in an age when men passionately sought temporal power for the Pope. It was a lawless mechanism as well suited to the Irish as to the Spanish temperament. Sir Garrett O’Moore Creagh preached his secret doctrine to the wild Irishry, and it is probable that the fraternity of the Defenders was one of the most potent elements in helping mutually incompatible representatives of Irish septs to sink their domestic hatreds and personal jealousies and prepare for a massacre of Protestants and the delivery of their country from the Scots and English settlers within the pale. Behind O’Moore were French and Spanish Jesuits, and the redoubtable hero was probably only an instrument in their hands, his country only a pawn in the game of world politics. He initiated the combination of a criminal and political Secret-Society working with a seditious national priesthood for the overthrow of Government by force of arms. These elements have been permanently and disastrously rooted in Irish national life ever since. The secret association of Defenders blossomed into the open movement of the Confederate Catholics and the massacre of 1641. The history of the Defenders after Cromwell’s bloody reckoning with the Irish Catholic Confederacy is little known. The open movement of insurrection had been stamped out and the organization was simply a Secret-criminal-political-Society, submerged but venomous. It was an age of intrigue and religious plotting. Roman Catholicism in those days meant foreign domination to the British, and the shadow of militant France and Imperial Inquisitional Spain stood behind the now exiled Stuarts. The Irish Catholics, as distinct from the English Catholics, supported the Stuarts more from hatred of the English than from any belief in the Divine right of Kings—unless they be Irish Kings. The exiled Irishmen who infested the European capitals acted as couriers, bravos and intermediaries in the seething web of intrigue. The Jesuit influence in the development of the Defenders was reinforced, and their ceremonies and symbolism slowly changed to an elementary ritual closely modeled on that of the ceremony of initiation to the Society of Jesus of the period. This ritual has descended with many accretions and modernization to the present time; and the American branch of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, misled by it, traces its origin back, not to 1641 and the Garduna, but to 1563 and the foundation of the Society of Jesus.”
—Major Hugh B. C. Pollard (1888–1966; British S.O.E. Intelligence Officer, M.I.6. Madrid, Jesuit Coadjutor, Flew Jesuit Created & Controlled Knight of Malta Fascist Roman Dictator General Francisco Franco, S.M.O.M. from the Canary Islands to Morocco Triggering the Jesuit Created Spanish Civil War); ‘The Secret Societies of Ireland, Their Rise and Progress,’ p. 6-8, (London: 1922)

Bill Carapezzi
~ ‘Executive Vice President, Global Business Services and Transformation’ — Pfizer Inc.
~ Jesuit Educated, Private Jesuit ‘Fairfield University’
“Bill holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Fairfield University … and a LL.M in Taxation from New York University School of Law.”

Frank D’Amelio
~ ‘Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President, Global Supply’ — Pfizer Inc.
~ Catholic Educated, (Jesuit Controlled) Roman Catholic Private ‘St. John’s University (New York City)’
~ Jesuit Educated, Private Jesuit ‘Saint Peter’s University’
“Frank earned his MBA in Finance from St. John’s University and his bachelor’s degree in Accounting from St. Peter’s University.”

Rady Johnson
~ ‘Executive Vice President, Chief Compliance, Quality & Risk Officer’ — Pfizer Inc.
~ Jesuit Educated, Private Jesuit ‘Georgetown University Law Center’
“He is a graduate of … the Georgetown University Law Center.”

Ronald E. Blaylock
~ ‘Executive Member on the Board of Directors’ — Pfizer Inc.
~ Jesuit Educated, Private Jesuit ‘Georgetown University’
~ Former Member, Board of Directors, Private Jesuit ‘Georgetown University’
“Mr. Blaylock … formerly served on the board of Georgetown University. … Mr. Blaylock earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance from Georgetown University …”

Susan Hockfield
~ ‘Executive Member on the Board of Directors’ — Pfizer Inc.
~ Jesuit Educated, Private Jesuit ‘Georgetown University Medical Center’ (1979)

Bei B Zhang
~ ‘Vice President, Metabolic Research’ — Pfizer Inc.
~ Jesuit Educated, (Incognito Jesuit) ‘Fudan University’ (Shanghai, China) [Founded by Jesuit Ma Xiangbo, S.J.]
“Education: Fudan University, B.S.”

Team Resources:
Johnny Cirucci:
Eric Bowman:
Doc Felipe:
En Goodz:

❤️ Yahusha is Ha'Mashiach, the Yachid of Yahuah, who is Elohiym and 'Echad
If you shall confess with your mouth Adonai Yahusha, and shall believe in your heart that Yah has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved.
🇻🇦 The Whore of Babylon is Rome
submitted by EnGoodz to Jesuitworldorder [link] [comments]

Anti-Corruption & News - Jun/27/2019: Free healthcare for 200,000 more; Other changes... Constitutional Court judges.... Serj's fugitive relative vs Ministry.... Government tax waivers.... Minimum wage.... Exports up again after slow Spring.... Weapons... Murder case: ARM vs AZE in PACE..... more

Disclaimer: All the accused are innocent until proven guilty by the court of law, even if they may sound as being guilty. Currency in Armenian Drams unless specified otherwise.
The Constitutional Court judges have made a decision not to allow the newly elect judge Vahe Grigoryan to participate in hearings regarding Robert Kocharyan. The decision is based on the fact that lawyer Grigoryan was formerly hired by the victims of March 1st events, thus could possibly show bias in Kocharyan related cases, says the Constitutional Court with a straight face.
Former MP, legal analyst and the brother of March 1st victim lawyer Styopa Safaryan says there are multiple judges who are biased and should not be allowed to hear the Kocharyan case. He lists the judges and their "history".

Safaryan says:

Chief judge Hrayr Tovmasyan
Was elected in 2018-March-21 by violation of laws. He was a member of HHK party at the time of his appointment, a party which has direct involvement with the March 1st case and the "illegal appropriation of the powers".
He was also the Justice Minister between 2010-2014 , and purposely gave incomplete information to European Court for Human Rights (ECHR) to defend the Kocharyan administration in the March 1st related hearings, says Safaryan.

Judge Alvina Gyulumyan
Was appointed to the Constitutional Court in 2014. Between 2003-2014, she served as a judge appointed by Armenia to ECHR. She used her position to defend the former regimes instead of serving justice in March 1st related cases, says Safaryan.

Judge Araik Tunyan
Served as the head of the Legal Department in Kocharyan's cabinet, between 2005-2007, then until 2014 in a similar job. He was involved with the legal process regarding the infamous "Order 0038" and other March 1st events. His favors were the reason for his appointment as a Constitutional Court judge.

Judge Felix Tokhyan
Has been a member since 1997-Sep-23. Participated in several scandalous hearings about presidential election result validity, including the one in 2008 challenged by Levon Ter-Petrosyan. This is also the one in which Kocharyan's aide Armen Grigoryan, according to US diplomatic cables, was threatening Constitutional Court judges to vote in favor of Serj's election as a president.

Judge Hrant Nazaryan
Is a member since 1996 February 5th. Also participated in the infamous 2008 Constitutional Court hearing in which the judges were pressured by Kocharyan's regime.

Judge Arevik Petrosyan
Was appointed in 2010. Since 2007, including as of 2008 March 1st, she was an aide to HHK Parliament's president, member of BHK party.

Judge Ashot Khachatryan
Was appointed in 2010. Between 2004-2010, he held the position of the head of the Legal Department of Parliament. He was involved with legal decisions regarding the March 1st case.

Safaryan believes that as of right now, judge Armen Dinaliyan is the only judge who is qualified to participate in Kocharyan related hearings, if we take into account March 1st "Kocharyan involvement" by other judges. 7 judges are necessary to make serious verdicts.
Read the Jun/24/2019 edition for more details on how the Constitutional Court judges were pressured in 2008.
Serj's fugitive relative Ara Minasyan, a suspect in the embezzlement in St. Gregory Illuminator hospital, was fired from the position of the director last year, after the NSS and Ministry of Healthcare uncovered the massive fraud involving fake patient invoices and subsidized care fraud. The director then remotely sued the Ministry to demand his job title back. Today, the court ruled against his petition, thus finding Ministry's decision to fire him to be justified.
Armenia and Russia are negotiating on creating a gas price strategy for the next 5 years. Gazprom's Armenian branch is currently absorbing the entire cost of $15 gas price increase at the border. Armenia is not accumulating it as a debt.
Because of this, Gazprom-Armenia could end up laying off 1,000 workers within the next 5 years to balance the spending.
The government held a session today...
They approved a plan to raise the healthcare expenditure by 12bln. This will also make sure that the funds won't expire before the end of the year, promoting low income citizens to wait until next year to be able to get a free care.

Healthcare in hospitals will be free for everyone under the age of 18, if passed by Parliament. As of right now, it is free for those under 7, and those under 18 who have disabilities. This expansion will apply to 200,000 additional children. Cancer treatment procedures with expensive equipment will also be free.
Additional 5.1bln will be spent on a free Healthcare for low income or disabled people. Dozens of people will receive free kidney and bone marrow transplant surgeries.
Extra 500mln will be spent to increase the number of ambulances across the country. Workers have long complained about being over-burdened.
The government has approved the QP's proposed bill that could raise the minimum wage by 1/4th, to AMD 68k. This will affect 45,000 private and 35,000 public workers.
Pashinyan wants an additional clause in the bill to prevent the employer from manipulating something about job hours to avoid some responsibilities. It'll be discussed in the Parliament, which has to approve it for it to become law.
The minimum wage raise was being discussed for the past 3 months. The government used 4 methods to examine the economy and calculate that 68k is the needed number. Details on how:
"Կիրառվել է սոցիալ-ներառական նվազագույն աշխատավարձի մեթոդը, որն ասում է, որ Հայաստանում, որպեսզի միջին աշխատողների թվով և միջին անդամների թվով ընտանիքը գտնվի աղքատության ստորին, միջին և վերին գծերից վերև, պետք է նվազագույն աշխատավարձը լինի 67 հազար 660 դրամ: Երկրորդ մեթոդը, որ կիրառել ենք, դա ընտրված 23 երկրների նվազագույն աշխատավարձի և մեկ շնչին բաժին ընկնող ՀՆԱ-ի հարաբերակցության եղանակով հաշվարկն է, որով մենք ստացել ենք 64 հազար 600 դրամ: Նվազագույն աշխատավարձի և միջին աշխատավարձի հարաբերության եղանակով ստացել ենք 70 հազար 142 դրամ, և 2019 թվականի ապրիլ-մայիսին մենք հարցում ենք իրականացրել շուրջ 1580 գործատուների մոտ. իրենց առաջադրած միջին մեծությունը՝ 70 հազար 254 դրամ էր: Մենք այս թվերից վերցրել ենք նվազագույն աշխատավարձի միջին թիվ՝ 68 հազար դրամ: Եվ մենք առաջարկում ենք, որպեսզի նախագծին ոչ թե 63 հազար դրամով դրական կարծիք տանք, այլ 68 հազար դրամով"
PM Pashinyan noted that the practice of eliminating some taxes for businesses for several years, is a great way to encourage investments 💡. He compared 1H19 vs 1H18: investments rose 7 times ($254mln this year so far), 4 times as many jobs were created (2380).
These numbers are only about the explicitly government-approved tax waivers and their direct impact. ---
The exports are up again, after falling in the winter and early spring. The 1H19 vs 1H18 exports have now balanced and remained the same, despite some troubles with mining companies. Pashinyan said they expect to finish this year with a significant growth. 15% rise in exports this month (or possibly May) compared to last year.
Tech-exports rose 29% but are still relatively small portion of all exports.
Vegetable and animal product exports in May rose by 77% vs last year period. Tomato exports up 171%. Strawberry exports up 10 times. Cucumber exports up by 5 times. Fresh fish exports up 61%.
The non-mining industrial production rose 6% from the beginning of this year. Processed gold exports rose 86%. Chocolate export rose 33%.
They waived taxes for Manukyan cognac factory to invested 1.3bln and create 42 new jobs with 260k ($540) avg salary.
They waived taxes for Qanaqer fabric factory so it can invest something to create an addition 12 jobs with 130k avg salary, to produce 753mln worth fabric per year.
They waived taxes for Royal Glass Group so it can bring 250mln worth equipment for agricultural gardens. 25 new jobs with 115k avg salary, 860mln/year production mostly for exports.
Ministry of Labor official says the wage gap between men and women is 33%, and it's mostly due to the job choices and not a gender discrimination. He said the private sector is more likely to discriminate based on gender.
During Army-2019 Russian expo show, Defense Minister Tonoyan said they will soon sign multiple agreements to purchase new offensive weapons and ammo. More details later. Delivery in early 2020.
Armenia presented its weapons during the show. For example, a modified SAM Igla missile unit which offloads the weight from the soldier's shoulder, has a new drone jamming technology, etc. ---
Shirak police reports that crime committed by people under 18 is cut in half, compared to last year. They claim it's due to better understanding why teens commit crimes, reforms and punishing some bad cops for not doing their work.
Actor comic Mikhail Galustyan will visit Armenia as part of the push by Armenian-Russian stars to promote tourism.
Wanderlust recommends tourists to see the following sights: Yeghegnadzor (never been there), Jermuk (never been there), Dilijan (never been there), Mt. Aragats (never been there), Geghard (mandatory, been there), Tatev (never been there), Sevan Lake (bruh).
Armenia and Malta have agreed to sign an agreement to prevent double taxation, and to establish direct flights. Maltese delegate said they spent the whole day to fly to Armenia, while it could take only 4 hours if there was an air connection.
This diasporan guy is power-washing Yerevan statues for free.

Judoist Susanna Stepanyan is the champion of European youth competition.
No one:
Armenian delegation in PACE: We suspect that the members of Azerbaijan's ruling family had something to do with the murder of Maltese investigative journalist Daphne Caruana. Not only Azerbaijan persecutes its own journalists, but goes after others overseas.
Caruana was assassinated in 2017 after an explosion. She was an investigative journalist investigating a corruption scandal involving Maltese government, and in one instance the Azeri government.
Some of it was about money laundering, and oil smuggling through Malta. Turkish president Erodgan's son, with the help of Azeri oil oligarchs, was also caught helping to smuggle ISIS's stolen oil through Malta.
NPR: Who Ordered The Car Bomb That Killed Maltese Journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia?
"Caruana Galicia asked uncomfortable questions about alleged fuel smuggling, organized crime and the sale of Maltese passports, which allow free movement through the EU."
Daphne Anne Caruana Galizia was a Maltese journalist, writer, and anti-corruption activist, who reported on political events in Malta. In particular, she focused on investigative reporting into government corruption, nepotism, patronage, allegations of money laundering, links between Malta's online gambling industry and organized crime, Malta's citizenship-by-investment scheme, and payments from the government of Azerbaijan.

PACE wants to investigate her murder.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

Best countries to start a cryptocurrency exchange platform in 2020

Best countries to start a cryptocurrency exchange platform in 2020
In this post we are going to tell you about the crypto friendly countries to start a cryptocurrency exchange platform. Our research is completely dependent upon the Government taxation policy, regulatory frameworks, and the adoption of crypto among users. You have to do your own part of analysis before considering these countries as a location for your crypto exchange operations.
Crypto Friendly countries in 2020:
  1. Malta
  2. United States
  3. Japan
  4. Switzerland
  5. South Korea
  6. Estonia
read more -
submitted by Patricksonharry to u/Patricksonharry [link] [comments]

Daily analysis of cryptocurrencies 20191029 (Market index 54 — Neutral state)

Daily analysis of cryptocurrencies 20191029 (Market index 54 — Neutral state)

Tencent To Formulate Blockchain Invoice Standards On behalf of China, Tencent, the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT), and Administration of State Taxation in Shenzhen jointly put forward the project approval of “General Framework of DLT based invoices,” which has won the support of member countries to successfully pass the new standards. The project was approved, marking the official start of the blockchain invoice drafting. Next, Tencent, CAICT, and Administration of State Taxation in Shenzhen will jointly represent China to lead to formulate the standards of blockchain invoice, including draft discussion and revision.
Digital Wallet Of ICBC Is In Closed Beta Citing the local news in China, the digital wallet of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), a Chinese multinational banking company, is being tested internally. The wallet is divided into four categories from the perspective of the real-name system. According to the source, the above-mentioned wallet is the carrier of legal digital currency as well as a payment instrument relying on the circulation system of legal digital currency.
Argentina’s Central Bank Strengthened Capital Control On Sunday (October 27), the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina introduced new rules of capital control which allow us to suggest that the government believes in Bitcoin and prefers cryptos to fiat money. Argentina’s central bank has rapidly cut down the amount of US dollars citizens can purchase. Previously, savers could purchase no more than $10,000 per month. Now, this amount is reduced to $200 only. This limitation decreases the US dollar purchasing power by 98%.
Korean Government to Back Blockchain Startups With $9 Million Fund in 2020 The Korea Internet Security Agency (KISA) will be supporting blockchain-related projects in 2020 with 10.5 billion won, about $9.0 million, in funding, but has ruled out supporting of crypto projects or crypto exchanges.

Encrypted project calendar(October 29, 2019)

BTC/Bitcoin: The 2nd World Encryption Conference (WCC) will be held in Las Vegas from October 29th to 31st. ICON (ICX): 29 October 2019 Decentralization “As a result, the decentralization schedule of the ICON Network has been changed from September 24, 2019 to October 29, 2019.” Ark (ARK): and 10 others 29 October 2019 WCC 2019 Second annual Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Technology event, World Crypto Conference (WCC), October 29th — October 31, 2019. Insifa (ISF): 29 October 2019 Prototype Alpha “We from Insifa have decided to be more open. Our Prototype will be developed in scrum. This means new releases every two weeks.” Enjin Coin (ENJ): 29 October 2019 EnjinCraft Stress Test “Join us Oct. 29 at 7:00pm GMT for a stress test. Let’s try to break #EnjinCraft!” IOTA (MIOTA): 29 October 2019 IOTSWC Barcelona IOT Solutions World Congress Digitalizing Industries conference in Barcelona from October 29–31.

Encrypted project calendar(October 30, 2019)

MIOTA/IOTA: IOTA (MIOTA) IOTA will host a community event on October 30th at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles on the topic “How to store data on IOTA Tangle.” TRON (TRX): 30 October 2019 SFBW19 Afterparty “TRON Official SFBW19 Afterparty from 7–10:30 PM in San Francisco.” Horizen (ZEN): 30 October 2019 Horizen Quarterly Update Join our first Quarterly Update on October the 30th at 5 PM UTC/ 1 PM EST. Deeper look into Engineering, BD, Marketing, and more. Aeternity (AE): 30 October 2019 Hardfork “The third hardfork of the æternity Mainnet is scheduled for October 30, 2019.” Valor Token (VALOR): 30 October 2019 Transaction Fees Resume “It’s September and the SMART VALOR Platform is still waiving transaction fees for all members, until October 30th!” Aragon (ANT): 30 October 2019 Singapore Meetup “Aragon on DAOs and DeFi” from 6:30–8:30 PM. Kambria (KAT): 30 October 2019 Outliers Hashed Awards Outliers Hashed awards from October 30–31. Ethereum Classic (ETC): 30 October 2019 Cohort Demo Day “ETC Labs hosts it’s 2nd Cohort Demo Day. Learn about the companies and project being accelerated through the Ethereum Classic ecosystem.”

Encrypted project calendar(October 31, 2019)

Spendcoin (SPND): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Cross Ledger Mainnet “Cross Ledger Mainnet Release and SPND Token Swap,” during October 2019. Spendcoin (SPND): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Blkchn University Beta “Blockchain University Beta goes live,” during October 2019. Stellar (XLM): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Minor Release “We will have 6 Minor Releases in 2019; one each in February, March, May, June, August, and October.” Bitcoin SV (BSV): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) BSV Conference Seoul No additional information. Seele (SEELE): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Public Network Mainne launch has been moved to Oct 31 . Howdoo (UDOO): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Howdoo Live on Huawei Howdoo begins its exciting partnership with Huawei with listing as a featured app starting in October. Chiliz (CHZ): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) App Soft Launch Soft launch of Socios App by end of October. Dent (DENT): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Loyalty Program “Afterburner loyalty program launch for all 21,6 Million mobile #DENT users will be in October!” IceChain (ICHX): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Wallet Release IceChain releases wallet during October. Chiliz (CHZ): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) New Partnerships New sports and new teams joining Socios (+more updates and events) will be announced in the upcoming weeks. Horizen (ZEN): 31 October 2019 Weekly Insider Team updates at 3:30 PM UTC/ 11:30 AM EDT: Engineering, Node network, Product/UX, Helpdesk, Legal, BD, Marketing, CEO Closing thoughts, AMA. PCHAIN (PI): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) New Website No additional information. IOST (IOST): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) New Game on IOST “Eternal Fafnir, a new role-playing game developed by INFUN is coming to you in Oct.” Achain (ACT): 31 October 2019 Mainnet 2.0 Launch “… The main network is officially scheduled to launch on October 31.” Mithril (MITH):31 October 2019 Burn “MITH burn will take place on 2019/10/31 2pm UTC+8. “ Aergo (AERGO): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Aergo Lite V1.0 Release AergoLite, which brings blockchain compatibility to billions of devices using SQLite, released during October 2019. TE-FOOD (TFD): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Complementary Product “Development of a new, complementary product with a new partner, which we hope to be launched in September-October.” Edge (DADI): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Full Open Source Code base for the network fully open-sourced in September or October. BlockStamp (BST): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) ASIC Miner Prototype In orderr to ensure BlockStamps continued decentralization, we will release a BST ASIC miner for testing. Perlin (PERL): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) SSA Partnership “Perlin has partnered with the Singapore Shipping Association to create the International E-Registry of Ships (IERS)” Skrumble Network (SKM): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Exchange Release “3rd dApp: Exchange Release,” during October 2019. EDC Blockchain (EDC): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Blockchain Marketplace “As you already know, our ECRO blockchain marketplace is ready for release, and will open to the global community in October!” BlockStamp (BST): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) ASIC Miner Prototype In orderr to ensure BlockStamps continued decentralization, we will release a BST ASIC miner for testing. XinFin Network (XDCE): 31 October 2019 Homebloc Webinar “XinFin — Homebloc Webinar 2019” from 9–10 PM. Akropolis (AKRO): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Alpha Release “Delivers the initial mainnet implementation of protocol. All building blocks will be united to one product.” Hyperion (HYN): 31 October 2019 (or earlier) Economic Model The final version of the HYN Economic Model launches in October.

Encrypted project calendar(November 1, 2019)

INS/Insolar: The Insolar (INS) Insolar wallet and the redesigned Insolar Block Explorer will be operational on November 1, 2019. VeChain (VET):”01 November 2019 BUIDLer Reunion Party BUIDLer Reunion Party in San Francisco from 8–11 PM. uPlexa (UPX): 01 November 2019 Steadfast Storm — PoS/PoW split (Utility nodes ie. master nodes) — Upcoming Anonymity Network much like TOR — Privacy-based DApps — Reduced network fees. Enjin Coin (ENJ): 01 November 2019 MFT Binding “ICYMI: On Enjin Coin’s 2nd anniversary (November 1), Enjin MFTs will be bound to hodlers’ blockchain addresses…” Auxilium (AUX):01 November 2019 AUX Interest Distribution Monthly interest distribution by Auxilium Interest Distribution Platform for coinholders. Also supports charity. Havy (HAVY):01 November 2019 Token Buyback “Havy tokens buyback, Only in 1 exchange between Idex, Mercatox & Hotbit. The exchange depends on the most lower sell wall.” Egretia (EGT): 01 November 2019 Global DApp Contest SF 2019 Egretia Global DApp Contest in San Francisco. EthereumX (ETX): 01 November 2019 Snapshot for ETX Holders “Next snapshot of ETX balances will be taken on 1st November 2019.” Veros (VRS): 01 November 2019 Transcoin Partnership “On November 1, Transcoin instant swap tool will be integrated into @VEROSFP platform.”

Encrypted project calendar(November 2, 2019)

Kambria (KAT): 02 November 2019 VietAI Summit 2019 Kambria joins forces with VietAI for the annual VietAI Summit, with top experts from Google Brain, NVIDIA, Kambria, VietAI, and more!

Encrypted project calendar(November 4, 2019)

Stellar (XLM): 04 November 2019 Stellar Meridian Conf. Stellar Meridian conference from Nov 4–5 in Mexico City. Cappasity (CAPP): 04 November 2019 Lisbon Web Summit Lisbon Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal from November 4–7.

Encrypted project calendar(November 5, 2019)

Nexus (NXS): 05 November 2019 Tritium Official Release “Remember, Remember the 5th of November, the day Tritium changed Distributed Ledger. Yes, this is an official release date.” NEM (XEM): 05 November 2019 Innovation Forum — Kyiv NEM Foundation Council Member Anton Bosenko will be speaking in the upcoming International Innovation Forum in Kyiv on November 5, 2019. TomoChain (TOMO): 05 November 2019 TomoX Testnet “Mark your calendar as TomoX testnet will be live on Tuesday, Nov 5th!” aelf (ELF): 05 November 2019 Bug Bounty Program Ends On Oct 24th, 2019 aelf’s biggest bug bounty will launch with a large reward pool. The event will run for almost 2 weeks.

Encrypted project calendar(November 6, 2019)

STEEM/Steem: The Steem (STEEM) SteemFest 4 conference will be held in Bangkok from November 6th to 10th. KIM/Kimcoin: Kimcoin (KIM) Bitfinex will be online at KIM on November 6, 2019 at 12:00 (UTC).

Encrypted project calendar(November 7, 2019)

XRP (XRP): 07 November 2019 Swell 2019 Ripple hosts Swell from November 7th — 8th in Singapore. BTC/Bitcoin: Malta The A.I. and Blockchain summit will be held in Malta from November 7th to 8th.

Encrypted project calendar(November 8, 2019)

BTC/Bitcoin: The 2nd Global Digital Mining Summit will be held in Frankfurt, Germany from October 8th to 10th. IOTX/IoTeX: IoTex (IOTX) will participate in the CES Expo on November 08

Encrypted project calendar(November 9, 2019)

CENNZ/Centrality: Centrality (CENNZ) will meet in InsurTechNZ Connect — Insurance and Blockchain on October 9th in Auckland. HTMLCOIN (HTML): 09 November 2019 (or earlier) Mandatory Wallet Update Mandatory Wallet Update: there will be a soft fork on our blockchain. This update adds header signature verification on block 997,655.

Encrypted project calendar(November 11, 2019)

PAX/Paxos Standard: Paxos Standard (PAX) 2019 Singapore Financial Technology Festival will be held from November 11th to 15th, and Paxos Standard will attend the conference. Coin (CRO): and 3 others 11 November 2019 Capital Warm-up Party Capital Warm-up Party in Singapore. GoldCoin (GLC): 11 November 2019 Reverse Bitcoin Hardfork The GoldCoin (GLC) Team will be “Reverse Hard Forking” the Bitcoin (BTC) Blockchain…”

Encrypted project calendar(November 12, 2019)

BTC/Bitcoin: The CoinMarketCap Global Conference will be held at the Victoria Theatre in Singapore from November 12th to 13th Binance Coin (BNB) and 7 others: 12 November 2019 CMC Global Conference “The first-ever CoinMarketCap large-scale event: A one-of-a-kind blockchain / crypto experience like you’ve never experienced before.” Aion (AION) and 17 others: 12 November 2019 The Capital The Capital conference from November 12–13 in Singapore.

Encrypted project calendar(November 13, 2019) (FET): 13 November 2019 Cambridge Meetup “Join us for a @Fetch_ai #Cambridge #meetup on 13 November @pantonarms1.” Binance Coin (BNB) and 5 others: 13 November 2019 Blockchain Expo N.A. “It will bring together key industries from across the globe for two days of top-level content and discussion across 5 co-located events…” OKB (OKB): 13 November 2019 Dnipro, Ukraine- Talks Join us in Dnipro as we journey through Ukraine for our OKEx Cryptour on 11 Nov. Centrality (CENNZ): 13 November 2019 AMA Meetup “Ask our CEO @aaronmcdnz anything in person! Join the AMA meetup on 13 November in Singapore.” OKB (OKB): 13 November 2019 OKEx Cryptotour Dnipro “OKEx Cryptour Ukraine 2019 — Dnipro” in Dnipro from 6–9 PM (EET).

Encrypted project calendar(November 14, 2019)

BTC/Bitcoin: The 2019 BlockShow Asia Summit will be held at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore from November 14th to 15th. Binance Coin (BNB): and 4 others 14 November 2019 BlockShow Asia 2019 BlockShow Asia 2019 at Marina Bay Sands Expo, Singapore from November 14–15. Basic Attention Token (BAT): 14 November 2019 London Privacy Meetup “If you’re in London on Nov. 14th, don’t miss our privacy meetup! The Brave research team, our CPO @johnnyryan, as well as @UoE_EFI Horizen (ZEN): 14 November 2019 Weekly Insider Team updates at 3:30 PM UTC/ 11:30 AM EDT: Engineering, Node network, Product/UX, Helpdesk, Legal, BD, Marketing, CEO Closing thoughts, AMA.

Encrypted project calendar(November 15, 2019)

TRON (TRX): 15 November 2019 Cross-chain Project “The #TRON cross-chain project will be available on Nov. 15th” Bluzelle (BLZ): 15 November 2019 (or earlier) CURIE Release CURIE release expected by early November 2019. Zebi (ZCO): 15 November 2019 ZEBI Token Swap Ends “… We will give 90 days to all the ERC 20 token holders to swap out their tokens into Zebi coins.” OKB (OKB): 15 November 2019 OKEx Talks — Vilnius “Join us for a meetup on 15 Nov (Fri) for our 1st ever Talks in Vilnius, Lithuania.”

Encrypted project calendar(November 16, 2019)

Bancor (BNT): and 2 others 16 November 2019 Crypto DeFiance-Singapore “Crypto DeFiance is a new global DeFi event embracing established innovators, financial market disruptors, DApp developers…”

Encrypted project calendar(November 17, 2019)

OKB (OKB): 17 November 2019 OKEx Talks — Lagos Join us on 17 Nov for another OKEx Talks, discussing the “Life of a Crypto Trader”.

Encrypted project calendar(November 19, 2019)

Lisk (LSK): 19 November 2019 Lisk.js “We are excited to announce liskjs2019 will take place on November 19th. This all day blockchain event will include…”

Encrypted project calendar(November 20, 2019)

OKB (OKB): 20 November 2019 OKEx Cryptour Odessa Ukr “Join us in Odessa as we journey through Ukraine for our OKEx Cryptour!”

Encrypted project calendar(November 21, 2019)

Cardano (ADA): and 2 others 21 November 2019 Meetup Netherlands (AMS) “This meetup is all about how to decentralize a blockchain, the problems and differences between Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake…” Cappasity (CAPP): 21 November 2019 Virtuality Paris 2019 “Cappasity to demonstrate its solution for the interactive shopping experience at Virtuality Paris 2019.” Horizen (ZEN): 21 November 2019 Weekly Insider Team updates at 3:30 PM UTC/ 11:30 AM EDT: Engineering, Node network, Product/UX, Helpdesk, Legal, BD, Marketing, CEO Closing thoughts, AMA. OKB (OKB): 21 November 2019 OKEx Talks — Johannesburg “Join us the largest city of South Africa — Johannesburg where we will host our OKEx Talks on the 21st Nov.” IOST (IOST): 22 November 2019 Singapore Workshop Join the Institute of Blockchain for their 2nd IOST technical workshop in Singapore on 22 Nov 2019. The workshop includes IOST’s key tech. OKB (OKB): 22 November 2019 St. Petersberg Talks “Join us in St. Petersberg on 22 Nov as we answer your questions on Crypto Security. “

Recently, bitcoin price climbed towards the $10,000 resistance area against the US Dollar. However, BTC failed to continue higher and formed a high near the $9,935 level.
Later, there was a fresh decline below the $9,600 and $9,500 support levels. The price traded close to the $9,100 support area and remained well bid above the 100 hourly simple moving average. The recent low was near $9,194 and the price is currently climbing steadily.
There was a break above the 23.6% Fib retracement level of the recent decline from the $9,935 high to $9,194 swing low. At the outset, bitcoin is testing the $9,500 and $9,550 resistance levels. Additionally, there is a connecting bearish trend line forming with resistance near $9,560 on the hourly chart of the BTC/USD pair.
More importantly, the 50% Fib retracement level of the recent decline from the $9,935 high to $9,194 swing low is acting as a hurdle for the bulls. Therefore, an upside break above the $9,550 and $9,600 levels is needed for a fresh increase.
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malta taxation 2020 video

Got it. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue without changing your settings, we'll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies. Malta taxes individuals who are both domiciled and ordinarily resident in Malta on their worldwide income. Any person who is ordinarily resident in Malta but not domiciled in Malta is taxable only on income arising in Malta and on any foreign income remitted to Malta (i.e. on income and chargeable gains arising in Malta and on income outside Malta that is received in Malta). CFE Tax Advisers Europe, of which the Malta Institute of Taxation is a member, has published its Annual Report for 2020. The report is available here. KEY DATES. 15.02.21 - 2020 FSS Annual Reconciliation ; CATEGORIES. Direct Tax; EU Tax; Indirect Tax - Other; Indirect Tax - VAT ; International Tax; MiTax. Know your obligations: Exchange of Information Upon Request; Malta VAT treatment of ... It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Malta Institute of Taxation (MIT). Since its establishment in 1995, the MIT has strived to establish itself as a professional body for advisers, practitioners and academics operating in the field of taxation in Malta, promoting the highest standards in the tax profession, through the creation of learning opportunities and ongoing professional education ... effective tax rate in Malta to 0%-10%. Certain categories of investment income are taxed at 15% or 10%; certain categories of rental income are taxed at 15%. Transfers of immovable property situated in Malta are chargeable to an 8% final tax on the transfer value; other rates, mainly 2%, 5%, 7%, 10%, and 12%, may apply in specific cases. The transfer value is the higher of the consideration received or the market International Taxation. Compliance and Investigation. Legal and Technical. VAT. General Information. Technical Information. Guidelines to certain VAT procedures. VAT Legislations and Legal Notices. ECO Information. Property & Shares Transfers. Buying a Property . Selling a Property. Inheritance Tax. Shares Transfers. Non Resident Acquisition of Immovable Property. Non Resident Registration ... Taxation for Individuals In this section you may find a general overview of personal tax-related matters, including information on your obligations and rights as a taxpayer. More detailed tax information is given on specific subjects such as tax credits, the income tax return and related forms used. The general basis of personal taxation in Malta is that if, you are domiciled and ordinarily ... [3 February 2020] - Malta - Fiscal Unity Rules Introduced in Malta [28 January 2020] - France - French Tax Audits and the New Tax Warranty Scheme [28 January 2020] - European Union - Opinion Statement ECJ-TF 3/2019 on the ECJ Decision of 22 November 2018 in Sofina (Case C-575/17) on Withholding Taxes, Losses and Territoriality As in previous editions, the 2020 Taxation Trends in the European Union. report is based upon harmonised and comparable taxation data from the national statistical institutes, transmitted to and validated by Eurostat. It draws upon government nance statistics as well as the more detailed national tax lists for each country. These data are compiled in accordance with the harmonised European ... Setting Up in Malta Taxation for Funds and Fund Managers Appendices: Comparison between Fund Jurisdictions Living in Malta 2 5 9 13 26 33 34 42 . Why Malta? Some Key data • Malta became the smallest member state in the EU in May 2004, and joined the Euro Zone in 2008. • GDP per capita is at 95% of the EU average, at €24,450 (June 2017). • Malta was relatively unscathed during the years ...

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