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VainGlory 5v5 Hacks & Cheats

VainGlory 5v5 hack community is about all tips and tricks including VainGlory cheats we can find and post here to get more ICE and GLORY. This also includes strategies in-game as well as any cheat codes available or a mod apk. Please respect the community's rules and be polite when posting.

300-400 Viewer Average and Partner in 5 Months Here is my Advice

Just yesterday I hit free twitch turbo partner on twitch after roughly 5 months of streaming (somewhat) consistently. Today I'm hoping to share some decent advice and give my own (learned) opinion on some of the frequent yet not always useful tips shared around here.
Before writing this I did a cursory search through the subreddit for frequently asked questions so hopefully this answers most of the ones that I myself have any experience to answer.
My simple request: I'm not going to be posting any links to my stream or anything but if you go out of your way to find it please don't follow/subscribe to the channel unless you are genuinely interested. Thanks big boss.

Should you stream?

If I have to read another thread or comment of a person asking if they should stream I am going to scream. What do you people expect to hear? Yes, please stream the world needs you, you will be rich beyond your wildest dreams and have all the clout to have ever been cloutted.
I know people who usually type out questions like that probably don't read posts but here is a hack I've used to answer my own dumb questions through out the years. Say that shit out loud and respond to it like someone asked you the question. Nine times out of ten, you end up answering it yourself and on the off-chance you actually don't you should have a more actionable question.
Example: Instead of asking "should I stream?" you end up realizing the only thing holding you back is having no mic or something. The question then becomes "I want to stream what's a good cheap mic?". Which is a lot better and doesn't make people want to pelt you with rocks.
For those of you who ask "should I stream or is it a waste of time?" please, I BEG YOU, stop. Most of the shit you do is a waste of time, you either want to stream or don't. Make a decision based on that.

Webcam, do you need one?

This question is asked so often that I see it every time I come on the subreddit. Unsurprisingly, the answer is always the same as well, yes you do.
However I disagree.
I have never streamed with a webcam, not a single time, yet I'm still here and somehow managed to get partnered.
Now, I know why every one parrots the same advice, it is because the people making tip threads, youtube videos, etc., all say to use a webcam. Harris Heller said it once and I'm pretty sure that was enough for the people who copy and paste what he says in text threads here to become their mantra.
The truth is, all that matters is the content. Ask yourself do you do/want to do a lot of react/just chatting content? If so, you probably want a webcam since your content will focus around reacting to content. Lirik doesn't use face-cam because his content is his gameplay and commentary, not his face. Corpse literally blew up and is famous for not showing his face (even though he is still a personality).
I know the whole "Lirik doesn't use a face cam" argument is going to be met with people saying "exception not the rule!!!" but seriously, just use your head. Half the people you watch probably don't need face cams. MoonMoon probably doesn't need a face cam, Critikal didn't have a face cam until he already had over a million subs on youtube, schlatt didn't either, Dream doesn't, AdmiralBahroo doesn't, almost every DBD streamer I watch doesn't, just think for yourself.
The point I'm trying to drive home here is not just that a webcam isn't required, but also you need to look at what you want to create and decide for yourself.
Edit: I saw someone say somewhere that you need a webcam for sponsors. That's cap. I've had a sponsor and nobody has seen this ugly mug.

Equipment in general

People like saying that they need this this and that before they start streaming. This is just stalling. Until last month I hadn't owned a desktop PC my whole life. Before that it was just laptops and using my phone to read chat or look up things. You obviously need SOME equipment to start, i.e. a computer and some form of internet connection, but that doesn't mean you need to pick up a shure, a streamdeck, 4 monitors, 6 consoles, and whatnot.
Here is my setup. Keep in mind I literally just upgraded this last month after saving up for several months:
For those of you who are probably saying "GROSS A PRE-BUILT" remember that part prices are actual aids right now, not to mention the availability of even finding good parts. If you have the cash go pre-built that shit is amazing.
My recommendation:
Stay with your shitty set-up as long as possible but make sure to pick up a good mic first. Big streamers (looking at you Ludwig) shit on the Yeti, but straight facts all you need is to EQ that shit a lil bit and nobody will bat an eye. You don't have to pick up the Yeti (there are lots of cheaper options) but that's just the one I and many others have gotten since it is reliably a good ass mic.
Audio <- chat engagement <- pc upgrade


How many people have to tell you bums to focus on YouTube before you do it? Twitch sucks ass. I'll say it, i'm brave. No discoverability, especially to those of you at the very bottom. Make a goddamn YouTube and start pumping out videos, it is not hard.
Ludwig made a power point on how to be a streamer that talks about a few things but the most important point of all was what he said on creating content for stream/YouTube. This isn't the exact timestamp but it do be close: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/896089267?t=01h24m14s
That advice is coming from a top streamer who also has over a million subs on YouTube by almost exclusively taking twitch vods and editing them for YouTube.
As for getting views on your videos here is my advice from my personal experiences:

My understanding of YouTube

So obviously, clickthrough rate and audience retention are the things that are constantly brought up when talking about gaining more views and what not, but I am fairly comfortable in saying that there are other metrics that you should be paying attention to.
Let me hit you with a something that would make Dream shake in his boots. I don't subscribe to anyone on YouTube. *gasp*
The reason for that being, I almost always have the videos I want to see on my home page. I never have to go, "wonder if x YouTuber made a video" since YouTube knows I watch and enjoy their stuff. The question for most people being, how does YouTube know what people like and how does it suggest it to them? Basically, by seeing how often people engage with your content AND also what type of content you create. (although keep in mind, youtube tries to throw new videos at you a lot as well, these are usually in-line with content you engage with though)
For engagement, think of it as like affinity points in a video game but in reverse. Before you get to bang that smoking hot sim, you got to woo them. Every time someone likes your video they get a point, every time they comment they get two, every subscription counts as like 10, watching an entire video might be 20, etc. Obviously, these are made up values but I hope you follow what I'm putting down here. Once they get enough points you start showing up more in their home page.
I know this because I have a different account on my phone that doesn't have the same suggestions as my main account because I watch different things on my PC than my phone. However, I do like to look at the comments while I'm taking a dump or something. Problem was, my videos were rarely every recommended. I solved this easily by liking a couple videos. I didn't even watch them, just liked and read comments. LITERALLY NOT EVEN SUBSCRIBED AND I GET NOTIFICATIONS ON MY PHONE SOMETIMES WHEN A VIDEO DOES WELL!
In other words, by getting people to like and comment on your videos you are almost guaranteeing they see future videos from you.
Now, keep in mind, engagement is only a small portion of the whole pie. And even though you might engage with a content creator often, there is still a chance you miss some of their videos because of one other reason, the content's genre.

Content Genre

You might have noticed this phenomenon on various different creators YouTubes, but sometimes they create a video that bombs. Usually, this happens when they create something outside of their niche. This could be as simple as changing games, or as radical as changing the entire direction of the channel. Even if you engage like crazy with a creator, if they change the content enough, you won't get that shit recommended to you.
This is the main reason some creators have several channels and why some even get pigeonholed to one type of content. The reality of it is, if you build your audience on one piece of content and then want to change it, you will be fighting an uphill battle. One of the best ways to fight that is to diversify early OR better yet, emphasize your personality over the content. Jschlatt shits views and he does whatever the hell he wants really. Same goes for jacksepticeye, markiplier, Ludwig, Critikal, XQC, and numerous other creators.
That being said, doing one game/genre isn't a bad strategy either. A metric fuck ton of OfflineTv's videos are the same game. DisguisedToast played Hearthstone on repeat, then switched to TFT, THEN switched to among us, and his videos absolutely kill. Valkyrae is one of the biggest streamers period and all she does is play/upload among us and rust. Then of course we have all the minecraft streamers too.
It's really up to you to decide, but I'd recommend going towards personality content since that allows the most flexibility.

Other Social Media (Twitter, IG, etc)

Lots of people here seem to think that they don't have time to do YouTube or some other BS they think up as an excuse, so they think that twitter, instagram, tiktok, etc are all ways to grow. Trust me, they are not good ways to grow.
These are all stupid treadmills that trick you into thinking you're doing something when in reality you aren't moving the needle by much if by any at all. Posting ten dumb tweets and reposting memes on IG seem "productive" if you frame it in the light of "content creation" but the two people that see all of these things don't really give a shit. Spend that time working on a video for YouTube.
Don't give me this "I don't have time" bullshit. Do small videos and work yourself up, become better and faster. Perfectionism is a cute word for procrastination.
Ok, now that I took a shit on them so hopefully, you won't grind on them all day, these are still ways to grow and are important. Having multiple platforms for fans to communicate and engage with you is always a good idea, but don't spread yourself so thin early on when nobody knows who you are. Prioritize the thing that will get eighty percent of your results.
I personally have a discord for people to come and chat in. Thing is, I had no intention of doing so because I don't really use discord that much. The only reason it exists is that people kept asking for it in the comments on my YouTube videos so I made one.
TL;DR: Don't put the cart before the horse :)
Edit: Oh ya I forgot to mention. TikTok is trash for growth. I won't mention names cuz that's probably toxic(?) but there is someone signed on luminosity who has 690k TikTok followers and 95k YouTube subscribers who barely cracks 100 views on Twitch and has a hard time getting over 1k on YouTube. So don't go thinking TikTok leads to immense fame ya darn kids


Getting hosted/raided means actual jack. I remember pretty clearly when I had like ten viewers, I got hosted by someone with twenty-five or something. I think only one person ended up saying anything in the chat to me about it and although some stayed for the entire stream, by the time I went live again I lost all of the people who were in the host. This seems to be something others have mentioned as well, you won't retain almost any views from hosts/raids.
Edit: Please do try raiding/hosting or otherwise networking with other streamers at least once. Your mileage may vary and it could end up blowing up your channel. Who knows?
Edit edit: Having something that you can do during the stream is huge when getting hosted/raided. Most of the time, if not all of the time, a streamer is ENDING their stream and sending viewers to you rather than timing it for your own content. So if you are doing something uninteresting or are in the middle of something you are going to get less retention than if you did something crazy to impress the newcomers. In other words, having a strategy for hosting/raiding growth is key.

Speaking on stream

This seems to be something a lot of people struggle with on Twitch since so many people ask how to do it when nobody is watching/chatting. Coming from someone who had this problem, the answer is pretty simple, talk for the content not the chat.
What I mean by this is you should be focusing on your content more than the chat. Since I play games, what I do is just say some shit about whats happening on screen and sometimes say something that is hopefully funny. Pick up a garbage item? Say something about how garbage the item is, ez.
If you're streaming to NO VIEWERS you shouldn't be streaming to stream anyway. What you should be doing is making a YouTube video in the hopes of getting viewers to watch your stream. The only way to do that is to have good content planned out that should effectively act as your script. Again, Ludwigs stream on this is good (it'll probably be a video soon) so make sure to check it out.
A more recent problem I've had was just how much I engaged with chat (suffering from success I know). When I went to edit the videos I had to cut large swathes of the video because I was just chatting to people. Make sure to avoid this when you are actually trying to get content out for YouTube as it can mess up the flow of a video and make it harder to edit. You still can chat with people just make sure not to go overboard. Again, Ludwig is a perfect example of this, just look at his videos and streams and notice the difference between the two.

Streaming as a job/hobby

I hate this dumb argument of streaming isn't your hobby or twitch isn't your job. You have 24 hours in the day, subtract 8 for sleeping and depending on your job, 9 for work. All that extra time can be spent doing whatever the fuck you want. Want to get big and make money streaming? Do work. Want to just stream while you're playing games anyway? Do that.
IF YOU WANT TO BECOME A PROFESSIONAL AT SOMETHING YOU PUT IN THE AMOUNT OF EFFORT REQUIRED TO DO SO! So stop telling people it has to be a hobby or it has to be a job. It can be either for christ's sake.

Partner difference

I have a checkmark which makes me a better person.
No, but seriously, partner doesn't really do much other than add more emote slots and some quality options. Also, you don't gain extra cash as a partner either. I don't have the mystical bounty board or god-tier split, just the checkmark to flex baby.

Opinion on affiliate

Devin Nash made a video about how affiliate is a scam, which is kinda true but only for people with no viewers. Having the sub button is huge and even when I was small small, affiliate gave me a couple hundred bucks a month for no effort on my part. Patreon is probably better though, no lie.

Twitch "grind"

If you stream 5+ hours a day without making content that lives somewhere else please form a neat line so I can smack you all. People saying they have no time drives me nuts, but when they also "grind" all day AND say that, it makes me want to punch air.
  1. Stream YouTube friendly content
  2. Stop stream and edit content
  3. Upload and plug twitch in the video
  4. repeat
That is the only "grind" you should be on. Affiliate is stupid if the 3 viewers you have are all just you on a different ipad.


You know what? Maybe PewDiePie got lucky and that's how he is such a big YouTuber. Maybe early twitch streamers got all their views because they were early adopters. Or maybe these people only got lucky because they showed up and actually put the effort in.
There are plenty of videos on my channel that looked like flops at first. They got like a couple of hundred views and didn't do well. However, after continuously publishing, a whole bunch of them ended up blowing up and becoming some of the most-watched. Without publishing more videos they would have ended up dead in the water. Consistency > luck.
I don't believe too much in luck when it comes to doing very simple things (LIKE MAKING A YOUTUBE VIDEO) but you literally cannot win the lottery if you do not purchase a ticket, it's that simple.

Editing Software

A couple of people asked this so I thought I should add it here. I use davinci resolve for my videos. Previously, I used hitfilm or something like that I can't quite remember the name, but I had to switch because they don't allow you to have split audio channels (i.e. one for desktop audio and one for mic audio).
I've literally never touched any paid software like premier or anything because, again, I'm a cheap ass.

What should you upload to YouTube?

Seriously just look at Ludwig, smallant, DisguisedToast, literally every top Twitch streamer with a YouTube. All three of the people I just mentioned are over one million subs on YT and are top streamers, so they are definitely doing something right.
In terms of off-stream content, guides are king. If you're a small YT channel with ZERO subs you can still get thousands of views by hitting the search algorithm of YT. My first 3 videos were uncut gameplay, guide video, guide video, in that order. Guess which ones have tens of thousands of views and which has less than a thousand? Guide videos are insane for small channels.
Edit: Actually, let's just call it searchable content. Searchable content is king

Ending notes

I think that's about it for this post. Hopefully, I covered everything although I doubt I did. If you have any questions I'll try my best to answer them and will probably edit the good ones into the post.
submitted by rndThursday to Twitch [link] [comments]

MacBook Pro and iPad Pro vs Surface Pro X

I'm looking for opinions on my situation. I used to travel extensively for work, but with COVID, have been WFH for the last year. Later this year I will likely go back to some travel (maybe 1 week per month) and WFH the other weeks. I have a work laptop (Lenovo) that I'm required to use for work. I also have a gaming PC at home. The work laptop gets used 9-5 and the gaming PC on some nights/weekends, pretty much only for gaming.
I also currently have a MacBook Pro and iPad Pro. The MacBook sits on my desk and is used for personal tasks while I'm working (e.g. browsing internet, researching stuff, YouTube videos, Spotify, etc.). I don't really do many heavy tasks on the MacBook or move it from my desk too much. The iPad Pro is my portable device that I use around the house, and when traveling. I have to bring my work laptop when I travel, so the iPad is a good secondary device to watch movies, browse the internet, etc. I like the iPad because I can download shows from Netflix, Disney+, Apple TV, etc. and watch them offline on the airplane. It's also a good device for taking notes during meetings.
I have an ultrawide monitor and keyboard/mouse that I can quickly switch between these 3 computers as needed.
I'm debating whether it makes more sense to get rid of the MacBook and iPad, and just use a Surface Pro X. I was thinking the Surface Pro X could be my personal device that I use at home while working (replacing the MacBook) and my around the house/travel device (replacing the iPad). My main concern is around the ability to download shows for offline viewing. I know there is a Windows Netflix app, that can download shows, but I don't think the other services offer this. So I won't be able to download Disney+ or Apple TV shows. When I have internet, I know I can just use their website, but even that experience isn't quite as good as a dedicated app like the iPad offers.
I tried getting rid of the MacBook and only using the iPad, but I missed the multi-tasking capabilities of a real laptop. For example, if I'm doing some personal research, I like to have lots of tabs open, spreadsheets, etc. and be able to easily multi-task. The iPad just doesn't cut it yet. I can manage on just the iPad when I travel, but for other times I'm home, I like having a real laptop on my desk for personal use. I've played around with using RDP to connect my iPad to my gaming PC, and that works ok, but still isn't the best experience.
I used to have a SP4, but hated the battery life. The updated form factor and longer battery life of the SPX are appealing, and I'm not worried about any app combability issues, because it's my second (or maybe even third) device.
Just looking for opinions from anyone that is in a similar situation.
submitted by kchinth to Surface [link] [comments]

[Tip] [Discussion] For people looking for Functional & Useful tweaks ... here is my list.

Tweak list :
App Firewall (iOS 10-13) : Take control of apps' network access with AppFirewall! AppFirewall intercepts outbound connections and prompts for your permission before continuing, similar to iOS' other permissions. Afterwards, you can manage which sites are allowed & blocked in settings. Repo : http://apt.thebigboss.org/repofiles/cydia/. Free.
DoubleCut : let’s you bind text to a specific key and you can choose double tap, triple tap or hold. Repo : BigBoss. Free.
WiCarrier : Replaces status bar's carrier name field with the currently connected WiFi network. Repo : https://rpetri.ch/repo/. Free.
WiFiCarrier+ : WiFi network name and IP address in status bar. Repo : https://phil-highrez.github.io/repo/. Free.
MYbloXX : System wide Ad blocker. Repo : https://myxxdev.github.io/. Free.
BlockYouX : Systemwide Ads blocker. Repo : https://cydia.ceadd.ca/. Free.
UHB - iOS 9/10/11/12 (Untrusted Hosts Blocker) : System wide ads blocker. Repo : https://repo.thireus.com/. Free.
No Typing Indicator 13 : This tweak blocks the typing indicators from showing in iMessage. You can still see others typing but they will not see you typing. Repo : https://cydia.ceadd.ca/. Free.
AppStore++ : Allow downgrade apps in AppStore , block updates ,pypass 200MB download limit , disable search ads & disable app thinning. Repo : https://cokepokes.github.io/. Free.
SiriUnlock : Allow Siri to access sensitive data when phone is locked (i.e read text messages , show notes & contacts). Repo : https://cokepokes.github.io/. Free.
Kairos 3 : Kairos makes it easy to schedule messages to be sent at specific times. With options to have messages repeat to send on certain days of the week. Repo : https://supporter.cpdigitaldarkroom.com/repo/. Paid : 10$
TabBlocker : TabBlocker is able to block the opening of new tabs for specified websites.A lot of times when I try to watch a video, or open certain webpages that contain allot of ads. I get redirected to a new tab almost directly. TabBlocker will ask you if the webpage is allowed to open new tabs, or just block them. Repo : BigBoss. Free.
Spy : Allow you to Log and share usage of your apps when lending your phone to someone and see what apps tried to open and what time. Also has the ability to lock the phone or start alarm when chosen apps are lunched . Activation by CC toggle or Activator gesture. Repo : https://repo.packix.com/. Paid : 1.99$
Truecuts : Truecuts is a tweak for Siri Shortcuts that enables all automation triggers to run without prompting. Repo : BigBoss. Free.
StopShortcutsNotifications : This tweak prevents the shortcuts app from sending notifications. Repo : http://itsjafer.com/repo/. Free.
iCleaner Pro : iCleaner can free up space by removing unnecessary files from your device. Also allow you to manage Launch Daemons, Substrate addons & Preference Bundles. Repo : https://ib-soft.net/cydia/beta/. Free.
iSponsorBlock : iSponsorBlock | Automatically skip annoying sponsorships in YouTube videos. Repo : https://galactic-dev.github.io/. Free.
Messenger No Ads : Remove ads for Facebook Messenger app. Disable read receipt. Disable typing indicator and more. Repo : https://haoict.github.io/cydia/. Free.
HalFiPad : iPhone X Gestures: iPad StatusBarFloating Dock. Split & Slide Over. iPhone X Keyboard. Dark Keyboard. Swipe To Screenshot and more. And more features. Repo : BigBoss. Free.
LocationService (CCSupport) : You can turn on / off LocationService from the control center. Repo : https://cydia.ichitaso.com/. Free.
CCLinker : This tweak will let you navigate to the respective settings for the Control Center Module by using Gestures! Repo : Packix. Free.
WiFi List : See all the WiFi password you entered in your device (or another device if you have iCloud) You can even create a QR code for easy sharing. Repo : https://www.icaughtuapp.com/repo/. Free.
FreePIP : FreePIP is a tweak to un-snap and scale the view of Picture-in-Picture on iOS unlimitedly. Features : Snap / Un-snap the view by long-press the PiP view. Unlimited scaling. Repo : Packix. Free.
Similar tweak to FreePIP is BigPiPEnergy : Repo : http://itsjafer.com/repo/. Free.
CCModules Pro : Cellular Data expandable view. WiFi expandable view. Bluetooth expandable view. Hotspot button gesture. Power Actions module. Repo : Packix. Paid : 2.50$
CCModules : Add extra modules to your CC ( I use it to add silent mode ). Repo : https://jb365.github.io/. Free.
CC On & Off : toggle off WiFi and Bluetooth from CC. Repo : https://poomsmart.github.io/repo/. Free.
Snapper 2 : Snapper is a tweak that lets you crop a portion of the screen and keep it floating on the screen. Copy text from images to your clipboard. Repo : Packix. Paid : 3.00$
GoodWiFi : Remove RSSI Limit. Show Know Networks. Show Mac Address. Repo : https://julioverne.github.io/. Free.
MusiLyric : Fetch Lyrics on Music, Spotify, TIDAL, Pandora & LockScreen. Fetch in Background with best performance no Lags. After Fetch Lyric will Available Offline. Use Private API Musixmatch Database. Repo : https://julioverne.github.io/. Free.
Lyricify : With Lyricify you can easily view the lyrics to your songs on your lock screen. With lyrics support for songs played through Spotify, Soundcloud, TIDAL, Apple Music or any other prominent streaming service. Repo : Chariz. Paid 0.99$
DynamicTimer : DynamicTimer will dynamically change the timer sound between "Stop Playing" and a ringtone. If there is any music playing when the timer goes off it will stop it otherwise it will play the ringtone you set up in the settings. Repo : BigBoss. Free.
CarBridge (iOS 13, Lite) : View any app in CarPlay! Features include: View your device's screen on your CarPlay enabled display Watch DRM-free videos and play games directly on your car (google to check DRM status) Control your phone with touch right from your car without picking your phone up Activate your phone's home button by tapping the portal icon in the CarPlay dock. Repo : Packix. Paid : 4.99$
TFDidThatSay?: See what those pesky "[deleted]" comments and posts were without leaving Reddit! Repo : https://lint.github.io/repo/. Free.
ReProvision : keep applications signed even after 7 days are up. Automatically resigning of locally provisioned applications. Repo : https://repo.incendo.ws/. Free.
Sentinel : Sentinel is designed to help you avoid having to re-jailbreaking your device when you run out of battery. When the battery charge reaches a user-set percentage it will initiate a fake shutdown. Repo : https://repo.dynastic.co. Free.
Harpy : List all users on your local network/hotspot. Block Users from connecting to the internet on your local network. Block users from using your hotspot network. Repo : Packix. Paid : 1.49$
Choicy : Disable tweak injection for every process individually. Configure each tweak dylib for every process individually. Disable tweaks globally (with the ability to set exceptions for individual processes). Option for an application shortcut to launch the application with or without tweaks. Repo : https://opa334.github.io/. Free.
Safari Plus : Force Https. Upload any file and download manager. Custom user agent. And many more privacy, actions , gestures and customization for Safari. Repo : https://opa334.github.io/. Free.
White Point Module : Control Center module to toggle the "Reduce White Point" functionality. Long press / force touch to change the intensity. Repo : https://opa334.github.io/. Free.
ScreenshotActions : Copy latest screenshot to the clipboard & delete it. Uploading screenshots directly to Imgur. Share screenshots. Repo : Packix. Free.
SwipeToDeleteContact : Simple Swipe to delete an Contact. Repo : BigBoss. Free.
FLEXing : Open Flex anywhere! Repo : https://nscake.github.io/. Free.
HostsBlockerToggle (beta) : disable / enable host file from CC. Repo : https://petitstrawberry.github.io/cydia/. Free.
DontStopMyCall : It disable hangup of phone’s call when press lock button. Answer incoming call by pressing lock button 2 times. Pressing lock button 3 times will answer call using speaker directly. Repo : Packix. Paid : 1.50$
SwipeExtenderX : supercharges the iOS keyboard with up to 20 different swipe gesture-based actions to help make the process of typing on an iPhone even easier than it already is. Repo : https://repo.chariz.com/. Paid : 2.49$
SITUM Pro : SITUM Pro adds a new button to your Text Selection Menu which helps you look up the text you selected. Also with translation feature. Repo : Packix. Paid : 1.50$
VolSkip11 : Skip tracks & play/pause with volume buttons. Repo : https://cydia.rob311.com/repo/. Free.
Powercuff : Exposes access to hidden power throttling modes for better battery life. Repo : https://rpetri.ch/repo/. Free.
ConfirmPasteboard : Allow or deny apps accessing the clipboard. Repo : https://repo.co.k. Free.
NoClipboardForYou : Prevent apps from accessing your clipboard. Configure from Settings. Repo : https://shiftcmdk.github.io/repo/. Free.
Succession : Restore without updating. Repo : https://samgisaninja.github.io/. Free.
CCRinger13: Add a slider for ringer to control center volume module. Repo : https://shepgoba.github.io/. Free.
Night Shift Module : Change night shift from control center. Repo : https://shepgoba.github.io/. Free.
FUGap : Get rid of the ugly gap at the top of the control center !! Repo : Packix. Free.
YouPIP : picture in picture for YouTube &twitch . Repo : https://spicat.github.io/. Free. Best combination is YouPIP and YouTube 15.22.4
Apps Manager : Wipe , backup , restore Appdata for installed apps. Repo : http://tigisoftware.com/cydia/. Free.
Filza File Manager 64-bit : File manager. Repo : http://tigisoftware.com/cydia/. Free.
YouTube Reborn : Features : - No Homescreen and No Video Ads (Both are on by default) - Enable Background Playback. - Allow HD On Cellular. - Disable Age Restriction. - No Stories (Beta). - Disable YouTube Kids Popup. - Enable iPad Style On iPhone. - Hide Tab Bar Labels- Hide Tabs (Explore, Upload [+], Subscriptions, Libary). - Picture-In-Picture (iOS 14+)- Video. - Downloading. - and many more features. Repo : https://repo.twickd.com. Free.
DockX : Add pasteboard shortcuts to your keyboard dock! Repo : http://udevsharold.github.io/repo/. Free.
Shortmoji : Bring life back into your keyboard by bringing tons of useful functionalities to the unused keyboard space. Shortmoji comes packed with tons of options to customize Keyboard, Predictive Bar and Keyboard Dock. Repo : https://miro92.com/repo/. Free.
Flex 3 Beta : Flex 3 is an incredible platform that lets jailbreakers create their own patches for the system or for installed apps.Moreover, a cloud-based system lets users mingle with one another by sharing their patches with the rest of the Flex 3 community. Repo : http://getdelta.co/. Free.
Activator : centralized gestures , buttons and shortcut management for iOS. Repo : https://rpetri.ch/repo/. Free.
Relocate Reborn : Minimalist GPS spoofer iOS 13+. Repo : https://repo.nepeta.me/. Repo is down , get it from here https://archive.org/details/relocate-tweak-module-and-app. Free.
CopyLog : CopyLog is a powerful clipboard history manager for iOS, it’s easy to use, works on both iPhone and iPad and will help you keep track of what you’ve copied on your device. Repo : Packix. Paid :2.49$
AppSync Unified : AppSync Unified is a tweak that patches installd to allow for the installation of unsigned, fakesigned, or ad-hoc signed IPA packages on an iOS device. AppSync Unified can be used to downgrade or clone installed apps, to download fakesigned IPAs. Repo : https://cydia.akemi.ai/. Free.
CallBar XS (iOS 12/13) : Callbar re-design the incoming calls view and allow you to use your device while it’s ringing or while in a call . Answer , decline or dismiss a call with ease without stopping what you’re doing. Repo : https://limneos.net/repo/. Paid : 3.99$
TetherMe for iOS8+ : Enables the native tethering for your device and give you the option to share data from data from a VPN or to share a WiF connection to Usb. Also allow you to edit APN settings. Repo : http://repo.tetherme.net/. Paid : 4.99$
CocoaTop : show CPU , memory usage...etc for processes&apps and allow to terminate/kill processes &apps. GitHub : https://d0m0.github.io. Repo : Bigboss. Free
RoadRunner : RoadRunner excludes the current now playing app from being killed when SpringBoard restarts. There's an option to exclude all running apps with the ability to whitelist/blacklist certain apps. Repo : https://henrikssonbrothers.com/cydia/repo/. Paid : 2.25$
Keyboard Accio : This tweak makes the "global" key always switch between the first and second input modes of your keyboard settings. Repo : BigBoss. Free.
ImLyingDownDamnit : A tweak to correct auto-rotate, so you can rotate your device freely, while lying down, relative to your face! Auto-detect typical lying down behaviour to avoid prompting you. "Rollover" prompts, to correct the orientation if you change direction in bed! and more features! Repo : https://repo.dynastic.co/. Paid : 1.49$
System Info : Show extra device and battery information and save blobs from settings. Repo : https://apt.xninja.xyz/. Free.
Zenumbra : Show number of installed packages per repo for Zebra. Repo : https://foxfort.yourepo.com. Free.
Note : Order of list doesn’t mean anything and I added more in the comment section as post reached it’s maximum words capacity . Again, tweaks in my comment below are as important as in the main post.
The list continues here https://reddit.com/jailbreak/comments/injcwv/_/g47xjw2/?context=1
& here https://reddit.com/jailbreak/comments/injcwv/_/g75vsw9/?.context=1
Any new tweaks that is not in the list and you think it’s important , please let me know, I’ll take a look. Thanks.
submitted by Maximessi to jailbreak [link] [comments]

What phones and laptops I've used in my life, and how I finally become a fan of Apple

This post is a recap of how I got involved in the Internet and IT, what phones and laptops I’ve used, and gradually replaced them to the Apple ecosystem, and me becoming a fan of Apple.
As a former fan of Android and Windows (not that I hate them now, I just like Apple ecosystem over them now), I wanted to give my two cents about the things that Apple does better than others, and share my story of becoming a fan of Apple.
This is not a thorough analysis. Rather, my personal story of how Apple ultimately satisfied my needs regarding IT devices.

My early experience with Apple

When I was a kid, my grandpa had an iMac. And I vaguely remember goofing around with it few times, but nothing serious.
Around 2010, my mom got an iPhone 3GS. It was the first iPhone released in South Korea. And it was really revolutionary. Even to the eyes of 10-year-old me. It showed the Internet and played videos and shit. In a handheld device. It was like a fucking magic.
In 2011, when I was 11, I got a chance to get a first smart device. A tablet PC, to be exact. I contemplated my choice between iPad and Galaxy Tab 10.1. My little brother, who was already an Apple fan back then and have already bought iPod shuffle 4th (to lose it about a week later lol), insisted I get an iPad. But I chose Galaxy Tab 10.1. It was not that I didn’t like Apple (at least) back then. I think I was just more inclined to Galaxy Tab 10.1 because it’s Samsung, the company of my country. It was not like I compared specs and benchmarks. Anyway, I really loved it, because it played videos lol. I watched hours of YouTube videos with my Galaxy Tab (and stumbled upon the first porn. It was a Japanese AV, with a doctor dogging a nurse. You know, back in the wild days of YouTube. I was kinda shocked because I really didn’t have a knowledge about these stuffs back then, and couldn’t get my head around why he was sticking a penis in the bum. I just wanted see some tits).

Smartphones I’ve used

Blackberry Q10 (2015 Aug-2016 Aug)

The first smartphone I got was a Blackberry Q10 (It was not my first smartphone, per se. But it wasn’t a really serious or major smartphone player in the market, so I will skip the previous one). My little brother was fascinated, and so was I, with Blackberry because they got a whole damn QWERTY keyboard in a phone, and it was fucking awesome. So we both got a Blackberry Q10.
It was a quite decent device, IMO. I really loved the keypad. Though, the lack of app ecosystem was a huge blow. I didn’t really have a game to play with a Blackberry.

Nexus 6P (2016 Aug-2018 Jun)

It was just about the time that I really wanted to try either Android and Apple, two serious players in the smartphone market.
At the time, Android had a tech-savvy impression for me. That was what I was looking for. On the other hand, Apple was just an overpriced, and not-so-tech-savvy option to me. My logic was powerful customizability == tech-savvy. It was back in the day when the jailbreak was still a thing, and I thought, "Why would you need to go through so much hassle just to tweak some stuffs?" So, the choice was obvious. Android.
I originally considered getting Samsung Galaxy, but I really loved the idea of having a pure Android phone. So I chose Nexus 6P.
I really loved it. It was snappy and beautiful. And I loved the customizability of Android. I liked tweaking stuff, and Android was just the right OS for me.

iPhone 7 (2018 Jun-2018 Sep)

I’ve been using Nexus 6P without an issue (although I could feel it was getting slower), but one day in Jun 2018, I dropped it and it shattered. It wouldn’t turn on. It was not a serious problem though, since I’ve using cloud to backup important stuffs like photos. That’s when I got a first Apple device. iPhone 7.
My brother, who’s been a fan of Apple already, had a spare iPhone 7. Although I still thought Apple was overpriced, but if I’m not going to pay for it, it really doesn’t matter, right? And I also wanted try Apple to, so I gladly changed to iPhone 7.
At first, I was kinda worried that I wouldn’t be able to get used to iOS. But it wasn’t. iOS, compared to Android, was more simple and unified. Although not as customizable as Android, it didn’t bother me much. I just didn’t need to.
While using iPhone 7 for about three months, my impression on Apple changed. From an overpriced phone to a phone with a decent OS.

Galaxy A8 Star (2018 Sep-2019 Oct)

My little brother, the original owner of the iPhone 7 I was using, needed it back. So I had to change a phone again. So why didn’t I change to iPhone 8, you might ask. Well, it was mainly because of an app called Kanji Study developed by Chase Colburn. Seriously, it’s damn impressive. It’s the best app you can find for studying Japanese. I loved it so much that I became a volunteer translator for Korean of that app. Unfortunately, iOS version of the app was few more years behind than the Android version as the developer was focusing on Android. Besides, I also wanted to try Samsung phone too.
So that’s what I got. Galaxy A8 Star. Although not on the flagship lineup (such as S series or note series), it was a really powerful device, positioned right below the flagship lineup. And Samsung did a great job of polishing Android too. I was quite satisfied.

iPhone 11 (2019 Oct-)

In 2019, I started to consider iPhone as my next smartphone, and I waited until iPhone 11 was released in South Korea, and bought it right away. And I can’t be more satisfied choosing an iPhone. My positive experience with iPhone 11 made me seriously go into Apple ecosystem.
So why did I finally decide to switch to iPhone again after all these 4 years? Few factors played into this.

1. Apollo App

I’ve been using reddit since 2017, but I only came across with the existence of Apollo app in early 2019. From the descriptions and appraise from the users who’ve used the app, it really seemed like a decent app. At this point, I already have been browsing reddit quite a lot everyday, so I really wanted to experience a decent reddit app. Although the official reddit app was quite great, I really wanted to know what the fuss for Apollo app was about.

2. Apple Pay

Having visited Japan before, I’ve already experienced how fast and convenient Suica card is. Seriously, you barely swing it around the reader and it’s done. And almost every vending machine and convenience store accepts Suica. As I was having a plan to visit my friend in Japan in late 2019, I really wanted to use Suica with my phone. Unfortunately, for Android devices, Suica is generally only supported by Japan-specific models due to licensing issues. On the other hand, iPhone supports Suica on every model, starting from iPhone 8. So if I wanted to use Suica with my phone, I had to get an iPhone.

3. Updates

This is the point where I was quite disappointed with Android. Even though Samsung being a major manufacturer in Android, it took about a year to get an Android 9 update on my phone (Android 9 was released in Aug 2018, and Samsung rolled out update to Galaxy A8 Star in Jun 2019). Seriously, a year? I could’ve gotten a Google phone. But Google discontinued Nexus series at this pointed and launched Pixel series, and I didn’t like Pixel series much.
On the other hand, Apple was known for releasing updates quite frequently, and providing updates for devices released more than 3 years ago. Apple began to seem like a really attractive option for me.

4. Pre-installed Apps

This is the another point I was disappointed with Android. Frankly, compared to iOS, pre-installed apps from Android, Google or Samsung, was lacking in quality-wise. Having used iPhone 7, I began to miss the simple, beautiful, yet powerful pre-installed apps, such as fitness tracking and photo. Google and Samsung apps did the job too, but overall experience wasn’t as satisfying as Apple apps.

5. OS

This is the point I become to like Apple. Apple seems have more unifying language around the iOS. Experience is consistent and expectable. Design is unified across the apps. Android was more fragmentized. Design and experience differs across the apps. I’m not saying that being fragmentized is the bad thing. It was the reason I originally liked Android. But I realized I liked unified experience more.

Laptops I’ve used

Just like the case with phones, Mac was never an option for me. I’ve been growing up using Windows, and all the programs I needed was on Windows. Besides, I really didn’t have other Apple devices back then.

ASUS laptop (2016 Mar-2017 Mar)

As I went to the high school, I needed a laptop for school stuff like homework and such.
The first laptop I got was a cheap ASUS laptop around $300, which I can’t even remember the model name. It doesn’t really matter anyway as it didn’t really have a distinguishable model name. It was advertised as a budget gaming laptop.
It did the job, but it was clunky and super heavy (about 3 kilos), and it constantly made the fan noise, and it got really hot after the moderate usage. I needed more light and slick laptop.

Dell XPS 13 9360 (2017 Mar-2019 Feb)

I originally contemplated between MacBook Pro and XPS 13. I did my research, and hardware-wise, MacBook Pro was the top notch. Without considering OS, I wanted to get a MacBook Pro. But XPS 13 was also a very decent laptop, and was considered a "Mac killer". As I couldn’t picture myself using macOS. Bootcamp was not an option for me neither. So I chose XPS 13.
XPS 13 was fantastic. It was light, slick, and fast. I really loved the aluminum feeling of the machine. The coil noise bothered me though.

Surface Pro 6 (2019 Feb-2020 Jun)

In 2019 I went to a university. That meant I needed a note taking device. I didn't want to carry physical notes. When you can just take notes and have them in cloud, why would you need to carry physical notes, which are prone to damage and loss?
So, two options for me. iPad, or Surface Pro 6. My logic was "Why would you need to carry two devices (laptop and iPad) when you can use both of them in one device (Surface Pro 6)?" So I chose Surface Pro 6.
Surface Pro 6 was a really decent device to. It was lightweight, and Surface Pen was great. Though the heat when I use it as a note was quite bothering. I could feel it with my palm. And the edge of the device made my wrist sore.

MacBook Pro 13-inch 2017 (2020 Jul-)

Because of coronavirus, all classes this year was done online. It meant no need for note taking. No need for note taking meant that, Surface Pro 6 didn't have a real advantage over traditional laptops.
And after I bought my Apple Watch in April, I've become more fascinated with Apple ecosystem, and wanted to expand my experience with the ecosystem.
Windows 10 experience also pushed me into trying Mac too. It periodically acted up, and I spent lots of time fixing them, or formatting the whole machine (these experiences gave me deeper understanding in computers though). Installing IDEs such as PyCharm or Anaconda broke things in Windows 10. And most of all, fonts and overall aesthetic in Windows really sucked. It was like a dumpster fire. HiDPI was a half-assed feature. It worked on some, but didn't work that well. Oh yeah, CLI tools in Windows 10 suck too. At least not as good as in Linux or macOS.
And again, whole experience was too fragmentized. I wanted my laptop to work as is. When I got a new Windows laptop, what do I do first? Format the whole machine and do a clean install of Windows 10 because it's filled with useless craps from the manufacturer. I started to feel being tired of needing to tweak things constantly.
So as soon as my first semester this year ended, I got MacBook Pro 13-inch from my brother. And it's much better than Windows experience, at least for me. Things work as is, as I expected. Aesthetics are beautiful, and there are much less issues related to legacy support (e.g. file path length limit in Windows). Although macOS has its own learning curve, I adapted quickly. Having used Mac for about 3 weeks now, I wonder why I hadn't switched earlier.

My Current Apple Devices

Currently, I have four Apple devices.
And I really love them! Maybe after this corona thing calms down and I take offline classes again, I might get an iPad as well.

What do I love about Apple now

Now having used a phone, laptop, and smartwatch from Apple, there are few points I really love about Apple.

1. Simplicity

The design, and overall experience can’t be copied by other companies. In iOS, gesture controls are self-explanatory and intuitive.
This includes not only iOS and macOS, but their web pages too. Apple web pages are just astounding. It shows what their products are, and how these products are great for you. It’s simple yet holds all the information you need. On the other hand, Microsoft and Samsung webpages are too bloated and not simple enough, IMO.

2. Running smoothly out of box

This is what I really love about Apple. There is little to no need to tweak things. I can turn turn it on and get the things going with Apple devices.

3. Powerful ecosystem

This is what only Apple can do, IMO. Sure, Microsoft, Samsung, Google has their own share in their field. But when you see the whole thing, only Apple successfully deliver unified, powerful, and interconnected experience across every device: smartphone, laptop, OS, tablet PC, and smartwatch. Windows and Android has their own strength in their own field, but when it comes to using them all together, Apple really is convenient.

4. Aesthetics and unified experience

It’s just beautiful. They really care about the design. What I especially love about Apple is fonts. Their East Asian language support (for Korean and Japanese) is top notch. These default fonts are beautiful. And it’s unified across the whole Apple devices.
I also can expect my iPhone and MacBook work just the same anywhere in the world. I can just bring my iPhone and Apple Watch to Japan and use Suica right away. Apple making a single model to distribute to the whole world (it’s not the same model per se, as they slightly differ due to carrier support, but you get the point), really makes Apple unique. No one can deliver the unified experience across all devices and the whole world better than Apple does, IMO.

5. Updates

Apple provides update constantly, and for a long time. Apple also discontinues legacy techs when needed, like discontinuing 32-bit apps. I really appreciate it. I love that Apple can push and implement new technology this aggressive.
Man, the post is much longer than I thought it would be. I think about 2/3 of this post is just me changing phones and laptops lol. I just wanted to share my story of getting into Apple ecosystem, and why I become to love Apple and their products. Thanks for reading!
submitted by answer_forty_two to apple [link] [comments]

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