Urban Dictionary: Bookie

bookies meaning slang

bookies meaning slang - win

Arabella’s master-list of British slang

Bri-ish Slang
Does my nut in- annoys me
Bare , well , proper- really
Clapped , butters - Ugly asf
Mug - embarrass self in public
Buggered off- pissed off
Done out- finished
Peng - attractive
Cheers - thanks
Leng- next level attractive
Neek (rits)- nerd/lame
Nitty- druggie
Doing bits- doing a lot (being extra)/alternative meaning of messing around
Ting- thing
Fit- attractive
Rogue- dangerous/ precarious/ rough
Peak- annoying/great
Trolleyed, bevved- next level drunk
Chundered- vommed
Pisstake , alternatively “taking the piss”- a FUCKEN joke
Shag, snog - sex, make out (verbs)
OMDS, WYS- oh my days, what you sayin
Ffs- for fucks sake
Jumper - sweater
trainers- sneakers
boot- trunk
bin- trash can
biscuits- cookies
hoover- vacuum
pants- panties
rubbish- trash
Chips- fries
Crisps- chips
Mukka- welsh , same as mate
Nonce - pedo
Safe, calm - okay
Bants- jokes
Love (luv)
Mandem- group of guys
Gyaldem - group of girls
Chav - almost like white trash (“Council Housed And Violent”)
xx- depop in a nutshell
You alright??- how are you?
I rate that- I back that, agree
“Oh deary me” - rits
Ends - the hood or ghetto or sum ; where you live usually in a city somewhere
Cba- can’t be arsed- not gonna bother
Bait- obvious
Jarring- annoying
Faff- a bit of an effort, fucking around
Fancies- has a crush on
Cheeky- flirty type of mischief
Roadman - disgusting scaffolders who catcall
We move - life goes on
Gutted - disappointed
Knackered - tired
Skint - broke, poor
Muck - dirt
Wanker(nicole)- Jerk
Slag- hoe
Sket- promiscuous girl , scabby slut
Wee- pee, vagina(?!!!!!!!!!)
Fanny- vag 0.0
Loo - bathroom
Big up- shoutout
Twat- idiot, annoying
Thick - stupid
Mad- crazy,
Arse- ass
Bobble- hair tie
Fancy- want , crave
Pret- the source of my coffee addiction
Chatting shit- talking shit
Trolley- shopping cart
Are you having a laugh- are you joking
Canny- can’t
Innit- isnt it ?
Banging- really good
Sodding- basically fucking as a prefix
Whipped cream- squirty cream
Daft- stupid
Dead- useless, boring
Blank, air- ghost , don’t respond
🦦thank u for this
Nah fam - no brother
Brummie- chav from bham
Shark - seniors going for freshers
Mental- crazy
Bonkers- same as
Lads- the guys the boys 👐🏾
Dingy- dark
Ching, shank- Stab
Gas - petrol
Pudding - dessert
Fizzy drink- soda
Monged- high
Waved- high
Bait- obvious
Pull- get w Someone typically at a club
Donut - Idiot
Tosser- some fuckin twit
fucked off- left
Mint- great condition , can apply to people and items
Dutty- gritty in a sick good way
Povvo- impoverished
Grockle-Norfolk) a tourist (negative connotation) i.e “those fuckin grockles 🤮”
Gypos- Gypsies (norfolk)
The great unwashed- (Norfolk) working class, lower class, tourists
Wolly- dumbass, idiot, a silly idiot rather than a horrible idiot
Tabled, floored, plastered, - drunk (basically anything with -Ed)
Yute- the youth (not v common , )
Wrongin- exeter resident
Ceebs- variation of cba
Shove it up your wob - shove it up your ass/shut up
Gob- mouth
Pissed- drunk
ZONKED- drunk
Dunce- someone that’s stupid
Mongaloid- dummy
Guysss I miss U.🚙🍜😍🚙
Pissing - raining hard

submitted by spacedynam0 to u/spacedynam0 [link] [comments]

What kind of drivel is this? I thought Philip Roth was supposed to be a """"""literery""""""(((writer)))?!

Call me Smitty. That's what everybody else called me--the ballplayers, the bankers, the bareback riders, the baritones, the bartenders, the bastards, the best-selling writers (excepting Hem, who dubbed me Frederico), the bicyclists, the big game hunters (Hem the exception again), the billiards champs, the bishops, the blacklisted (myself included), the black marketeers, the blonds, the bloodsuckers, the bluebloods, the bookies, the Bolsheviks (some of my best friends, Mr. Chairman--what of it!), the bombardiers, the bootblacks, the bootlicks, the bosses, the boxers, the Brahmins, the brass hats, the British (Sir Smitty as of '36), the broads, the broadcasters, the broncobusters, the brunettes, the black bucks down in Barbados (Meestah Smitty), the Buddhist monks in Burma, one Bulkington, the bullfighters, the bullthrowers, the burlesque comics and the burlesque stars, the bushmen, the bums, and the butlers. And that's only the letter B, fans, only one of the Big Twenty-Six!
Why, I could write a whole book just on the types beginning with X who have called out in anguish to yours truly--make it an encyclopedia, given that mob you come across in one lifetime who like to tell you they are quits with the past. Smitty, I've got to talk to somebody. Smitty, I've got a story for you. Smitty, there is something you ought to know. Smitty, you've got to come right over. Smitty, you won't believe it but. Smitty, you don't know me but. Smitty, I'm doing something I'm ashamed of. Smitty, I'm doing something I'm proud of. Smitty, I'm not doing anything--what should I do, Smit? In transcontinental buses, lowdown bars, high-class brothels (for a change of scenery, let's move on to C), in cabarets, cabanas, cabins, cabooses, cabbage patches, cable cars, cabriolets (you can look it up), Cadillacs, cafes, caissons, calashes (under the moon, a' course), in Calcutta, California, at Calgary, not to be confused with Calvary (where in '38 a voice called "Smitty!"--and Smitty, no fool, kneeled), in campaniles, around campfires, in the Canal Zone, in candlelight (see B for blonds and brunettes), in catacombs, rounding the Cape of Good Hope, in captivity, in caravans, at card games, on cargo ships, in the Caribbean, on carousels, in Casablanca (the place and the movie, wherein, to amuse Bogey, I played a walk-on role), in the Casbah, in casinos, castaway off coasts, in castles (some in air, some not), in Catalonia (with Orwell), Catania, catatonia, in catastrophes, in catboats, in cathedrals, in the Catskills (knaidlach and kreplach with Jenny G.--I taste them yet!), in the Caucasus (Comrade Smitty--and proud of it, Mr. Chairman!), in caves, in cellars, in Central America, in Chad, in a chaise longue (see under B burlesque stars), in chalets, in chambers, in chancery, in a charnel house (a disembodied voice again), in Chattanooga (on Johnny's very choo-choo), in checkrooms, in Cherokee country, in Chicago--look, let's call it quits at Christendom, let's say there, that's been Smitty's beat! Father confessor, marital adviser, confidant, straight man, Solomon, stooge, psychiatrist, sucker, sage, go-between, medicine man, whipping boy, sob sister, debunker, legal counselor, loan service, all-night eardrum, and sober friend--you name it, pick a guise, any guise, starting with each and every one of the Big Twenty-Six, and rest assured, Smitty's worn that hat on one or two thousand nights in his four score and seven on this billion-year-old planet in this trillion-year-old solar system in this zillion-year-old galaxy that we have the audacity to call "ours"!
O what a race we are, fans! What a radiant, raffish, raggedy, rakish, rambunctious, rampaging, ranting, rapacious, rare, rash, raucous, raunchy, ravaged, ravenous, realistic, reasonable, rebellious, receptive, reckless, redeemable, refined, reflective, refreshing, regal, regimented, regrettable, relentless, reliable, religious, remarkable, remiss, remorseful, repellent, repentant, repetitious (!!!!), reprehensible, repressed, reproductive, reptilian, repugnant, repulsive, reputable, resentful, reserved, resigned, resilient, resistant, resistible, resourceful, respectable, restless, resplendent, responsible, responsive, restrained, retarded, revengeful, reverential, revolting, rhapsodical, rhythmical, ribald, rickety, ridiculous, righteous, rigorous, riotous, risible, ritualistic, robustious (adj. Archaic or Humorous [pick 'em], meaning "rough, rude or boisterous," according to N.W.), roguish, rollicking, romantic, rompish, rotten, rough-and-ready, rough-and-tumble, rough-housing, rowdyish, rude, rueful, rugged, ruined, rummy (chiefly Brit, don'cha know. Slang odd; queer), rundown, runty, ruthless race! A' course that's just one man's opinion. Fella name a' Smith; first name a' Word.
And just who is Word Smith? Fair enough. Short-winded, short-tempered, short-sighted as he may be, stiff-jointed, soft-bellied, weak-bladdered, and so on down to his slippers, anemic, arthritic, diabetic, dyspeptic, sclerotic, in dire need of a laxative, as he will admit to the first doctor or nurse who passes his pillow, and in perpetual pain (that's the last you'll hear about that), he's not cracked quite yet: if his life depended on it, the man in the street could not name three presidents beginning with the letter J, or tell you whether the Pope before this one wore glasses or not, so surely he is not about to remember Word Smith, though it so happened old W.S. cracked a new pack of Bicycles with more than one Chief Exec, one night nearly brought down the republic by cleaning out the entire cabinet, so that at morn--pink peeking over the Potomac, you might say--the Secretary of the Treasury had to be restrained by the Secretary of the Interior from dipping his mitt in the national till to save his own shirt at stud, in a manner of speaking.
Then there are the Popes. Of course no poker, stud, straight, or draw, with Pontiffs, other than penny ante, but rest assured, Smitty here in his heyday, kneepans down on terra firma, has kissed his share of rings, and if no longer up to the kneeling-down, still has starch enough left in these half-palsied lips for tasting the papal seal and (if there should be any takers) touching somewhat tumescent flesh to the peachier parts of the softer sex, afore he climbs aboard that sleeper bound for Oblivion. Chucklin': "George, what time she due at Pearly Gates?" Shuf-flin': "Don' you worry none, Mistuh Smitty, I call ya' in time fo' you to shave up and eat a good heffy breakfass' fo' we gets dere." "If we gets there, George. Conductor says we may all be on a through train, from what he hears." "Tru'? To where, Mistuh Smitty? De end of de line?" (Chorus behind, ahummin' and astrummin', "Tru' train, tru' train, choo-choo on tru', I wanna choo-choo on home widout delay!") "Seems there isn't any 'end' to this line, George." Scratchin' his woolly head: "Well, suh, day don' say nuttin' 'bout dat in de schedule." "Sure they do, old George, down in the fine print there: 'Stops only to receive passengers.'" "Which tru' train dat, Mistuh Smitty?" "Through train bound for Oblivion, George." " 'Oblivion'? Dat don't sound lak no stop--dat de name of a little girl!" ("Tru' train, tru' train, lem-me choo-choo on home!")
Smitty! Prophet to porters, padre to pagans, peacemaker for polygamists, provider for panhandlers, probation officer to pickpockets, pappy to parricides, parent to prostitutes, "Pops" to pinups, Paul to pricks, plaintalker to pretenders, parson to Peeping Toms, protector to pansies, practical nurse to paranoids--pal, you might say, to pariahs and pests of every stripe, spot, stigma, and stain, or maybe just putty in the paws of personae non gratae, patsy in short to pythons. Not a bad title that, for Smitty's autobio.
Or how's about Poet to Presidents? For 'twasn't all billiards on the Biggest Boss's baize, sagas of sport and the rarest of rums, capped off with a capricious predawn plunge in the Prez's pool. Oh no. Contract bridge, cribbage, canasta, and casino crony, sure; blackjack bluffer and poker-table personality, a' course, a' course; practiced my pinochle, took 'em on, one and all, at twenty-one; suffered stonily (and snoozed secretly) through six-hour sieges of solitaire, rising to pun when they caught me napping, "Run out of patience, Mr. P.?"; listen, I played lotto on the White House lawn, cut a First Child for Old Maid in the Oval Office on the eve of national disaster...but that doesn't explain what I was there for. Guessed yet how I came to be the intimate of four American presidents? Figured me out? Respectful of their piteous portion of privacy, I call them henceforth ABC, DEF, GHI, and JKL, but as their words are public record, who in fact these four were the reader with a little history will quickly surmise. My capital concern? I polished their prose.
submitted by 2shoesnotfellows to writingcirclejerk [link] [comments]

in casino (1995) what criminal activities does Nicky Santoro engage in?

hey guys, thanks for taking a look, i have been re watching the old martin Scorsese film "casino" and i'm particularly fascinated by the criminal activities of Nicky Santoro, the problem is, is that some of the things that nicky describes himself doing, he uses alot of slang and mob talk which i personally don't understand. so i'm going to be laying out what I THINK the criminal activities of Nicky Santoro is.
the first thing i noticed is the scene where nicky says "for the first time in my life, i found a way not to lose" and apparently this is where nicky bets with bookmakers, and if he wins he (collects) or gets his money that he won gambling and if he doesn't win, or (laying) he takes his money back by force from the bookies, so he first crime is strong arm robbery.
the next criminal activity is I THINK loan sharking, "To begin, I put money out on the streets, charging' three points a week. You know, juice to the fucking dealers" and so what i think he is talking about is that he opened an illegal money loan operation and targeted drug addicts and gambling addicts as well as dealers in the Tangiers casino, and that "3 points a week" means interest to their loans,
the next thing he did was "busting out high stakes poker players" meaning that him and a team of men colluding with, would target high stakes poker players to coordinate and gain an unfair advantage over other high stakes power players,
after nicky was put in the black book, he opened a restaurant and a jewelry store as a front for a burglary crew he led, that and combined with tipsters all over town he started a burglary crime wave through las vegas,
the next crime nicky commits in the film is torture and murder, with the irishman
the next crime nicky commits is assembling an assault and intimidation crew to rough up the Lester guy, the next is when he kills the woman who sued the green guy,
then after that nicky starts wacking people, about 24 murders, including a mans head in the desert, killing "stool pigeons" AKA police informants, killing people who didn't pay their "shylocks" aka loan sharks aka criminal money lenders
and finally, the bombing against sam,
so in order,
1: strong arm robbery 2: loan sharking 3: cheating at poker via team collusion 4: burglary 5: torture and murder 6: assault, battery intimidation 7: lots of murders to plug up informants and deadbeats 8: car bombing against sam
let me know if i missed anything!
submitted by frondaro to movies [link] [comments]

Glossary of Slang Terms

These translations really helped during my first watch.
Note: I didn't write these. I would link to the the website directly but it's kind of shitty. I also realize it's not all slang terms, a lot of the list is direct translations from Italian or acronyms.
A friend of ours: mob shorthand for introducing one made guy to another made guy. "A friend of mine" is just another jamook on the street.
A trippa di zianata: "your aunt's tripe."
Action: a bet that a bookie "writes" and for which you pay him his "vig."
Administration: the top-level "management" of an organized crime Familythe boss, underboss, and consigliere.
Agita: anxiety, edginess, an upset stomach.
Anti-Trust Violations: what authorities call the mob practice of carving out exclusive territories.
Associate: one who works with mobsters, but hasn't been asked to take the vow of Omertá; an almost confirmed, or made guy.
The Books: a phrase indicating membership in the Family. If there is a possibility for promotion, then the books are open. If not, the books are closed.
Borgata: an organized crime Family.
Boss: the head of the Family who runs the show. He decides who gets made and who gets whacked. The boss also gets points from all Family business; also see don, chairman.
Buon' anima: salutation meaning rest his soul.
Buttlegging: bootlegging untaxed cigarettes.
Cafone: a peasant or lower-class.
Capo: the Family member who leads a crew; short for capodecina.
Capo Regime: the head of the Family; see boss.
Cazzis: see Stugots.
Che bruta: How ugly you are.
Che peccato: what a pity, what a shame.
Chiacchierone: chatterbox.
Clip: to murder; also whack, hit, pop, burn, put a contract out.
Code of silence: not ratting on your colleagues once you've been pinchedno longer a strong virtue in organized crime families. Also see Omertá.
Col tempo la foglia di gelso diventa seta: old Italian saying meaning, "Time and patience change the mulberry leaf to satin."
Comare (also goomah, goomar, or gomatta): slang for girlfriend or mistress.
Come heavy: to walk in carrying a loaded gun. You shouldn't have lunch with a Russian drug dealer unless you "come heavy."
Confirm: to be made; see made guy.
Consigliere: a trusted Family advisor, who is always consulted before decisions are made. See Tom Hagen in The Godfather.
Crank: speed; in particular, crystal meth.
Crew: the group of soldiers under the capo's command.
Cugine: a young soldier striving to be made.
CW: FBI shorthand for Co-operating Witness.
Don: the head of the Family; see boss.
Eat alone: to keep for one's self; to be greedy.
Executive Game: a special-event card game for celebrities and other high-rollers.
Facia bruta: ugly face, something you call someone you don't like.
Family: an organized crime clan, like the Genoveses, the Gottis, or the Sopranos.
Fanook, or Finook: derived from "finocchio" or fennel, a derogatory term for homsexual or gay, i.e., people that wiseguys feel nervous around. A "mezzofinook" is half gay, sissy, bi.
Forbidden Fruit: the lure of a wiseguy to a nice Italian girl from the neighborhood.
G: a grand; a thousand dollars; also see large.
Gabagool: (capo cuoll) something to eat. Cured pork cold cut.
Gira diment: going crazy.
Golden Age: The days before RICO.
Goomah (sometimes pronounced "goomar"): a Mafia mistress; also comare.
Guests of the state or Guests of the government: going to prison, doing time.
Hit: to murder; also see whack.
In the wind: after you leave the Witness protection program you are "in the wind," meaning you're on your own somewhere out there.
Jamook: idiot, loser, lamebrained, you know, a jamook.
Juice: the interest paid to a loanshark for the loan; also see vig.
Lam: To lay low, go into hiding.
Large: a thousand, a grand, a G.
LCN: FBI talk for La Casa Nostra, or translated, "Our Thing."
Made guy: an indoctrinated member of the Family. Essentially, you pledge your allegiance to the boss and the family for life. To even qualify, your mother has to be Italian.
Madonn': Madonna, common expression meaning holy smoke, holy cow, holy shit.
Mannagge: going to war with a rival clan or family.
Message job: placing the bullet in someone's body such that a specific message is sent to that person's crew or family; see through the eye, and through the mouth.
Mezza morta: half-dead.
The Mob: a single organized crime family; OR all organized crime families together.
Mobbed up: connected to the mob.
Mobster: one who is in the mob.
Mock execution: to whip someone into shape by frightening the shit out of them.
Moe Green Special: Getting killed with a shot in the eye, like the character, Moe Green, in The Godfather.
OC: FBI talk for Organized Crime.
Omertá: the much-vaunted Mafia vow of silence. In other words, don't rat on your friends. Transgression is punishable by death.
Oobatz: u'pazzucrazy.
Outfit: a clan, or family within the Mafia.
Paying tribute: giving the boss a cut of the deal.
Piacere: "Pleasure to meet you."
Pinched: to get caught by the cops.
Points: percent of income; cut.
Poverett: poor person.
Predicates: an offense which the Justice Department can choose to "fold into" a RICO statute. As in, "This charge could be tough. It could have predicates."
The Program: The Witness Protection Program.
Pump and dump: standard practice for unethical stockbrokers. First drive up the price of a small stock by "encouraging" investors to buy it ("pump") and then sell you own shares ("dump") for a tidy profit.
Puttana: whore.
Rat: one who snitches or squeals after having been pinched.
RICO: Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. Passed in 1970 to aid the government in clamping down on organized crime activities, its scope has since been broadened to prosecute insider traders and anti-abortion protesters.
Schifosa: ugly woman.
Sfogliatelle: an Italian pastry.
Shakedown: to blackmail or try to get money from someone; also to give someone a scare.
Shy: the interest charged on loans by loansharks.
Shylock business: the business of loansharking.
Soldier: the bottom-level member of an organized crime Family, as in "foot soldiers."
Spring cleaning: cleaning up, hiding or getting rid of evidence.
Strunz: strunzopiece of shit.
Stugots: from stu cazzo or u' cazzu, the testicles. Tony Soprano's boat is The Stugots.
Taste: a percentage of the take. Tony gets a big taste from bookmaking or racketeering but only a little taste from medical fraud.
Tax: to take a percentage of someone's earnings.
This thing of ours: a mob family, or the entire mob.
Through the eye: a message job through the eye to say "We're watching you!"
Through the mouth: a message job through the mouth to indicate that someone WAS a rat.
Tizzun: Neapolitan derogatory term for black person.
Underboss: the second in command to the boss.
Vig: the interest paid to a loanshark for the loan. Abbreviation of vigorish; also see juice. Usually two points or 2%.
Waste management business: euphemism for organized crime.
Wearing it: showing off one's status in the organization by dressing the part. "Wearing it" usually involves an Italian suit, a pinky ring, a hankie in the breast pocket, gold cufflinks, and other ornamentation. Silvio has his own inimitable way of wearing it.
Whack: to murder; also clip, hit, pop, burn, put a contract out.
Wiseguy: a made guy.
submitted by tompink57 to thesopranos [link] [comments]

What these sentences mean in episode 4x02?

Hi, guys! Hope you all fine. Some of you already know who I am, but for those who doesn't know: I'm a translator, and something is hard for me to understand some contexts so I can have the right translation. So if you could help me, I'll appreciate it. Notes: My first language is NOT English, I'm translating to Spanish.

  1. It has to be caught with human hands and stained with human effort. (Scene: https://streamable.com/eqt9k ) I'm curious. What is "stained" Is there any word for it? So I can understand the meaning?
  2. Your birthright box. / You and my birth box. (Scene: https://streamable.com/p8wkz) I'm trying to understand the "funny" or "meaning" on this pun.

  1. Yeah? Well, alone's my jam, grenouille. (Scene: https://streamable.com/5tidi) Does "my jam" means "it's my thing", right? What is grenouille?

  1. Sassy. (Scene: https://streamable.com/vbv9n) - Is there any synonym for this word? So I can use the right context?

  1. You're a cutthroat bookie. (Scene: https://streamable.com/vzo7j) I just want to have this clear: cutthroat it's a good term? or it's a bad term?

  1. Nail as many groupies? (Scene: https://streamable.com/4n027) I'm trying to understand this. But I can't. What is the meaning of this?

  1. Oh, like your thunder meat. (Scene: https://streamable.com/7hmja) Thunder meat, we're talking abuot his penis? So "thunder" is like "piece"?

  1. Lower Meerskin, Basher Island, Shimmering Cliff Palace, Sacred Sky Nunnery, The Hare on the Ass. / I fucking hate it. / Jumping off. (Scene: https://streamable.com/v6wym) I must admit that I'm pretty bad translating names of places. I'm just curious, all these places name's are slangs? Are funny, right? Anyone could help me pointing me the joke on the names? / Another thing... When Margo says "I fucking hate it", what does she means by "I hate it". / And: he (Ember) dives right into one that's already jumping off , jumpin off it's like a party that it's finishing or that is already running?

  1. Real ragers rave in the day. (Scene: https://streamable.com/lyfsc) Real ragers means like "people who likes to party," right?

  1. I would like to understand the differences of : spell / conjure / enchantments. Or is the same thing with other words?

Thanks a lot for this!!
submitted by elbeborandy to brakebills [link] [comments]

What does governor -- or "guv'nah" -- mean on a "street level"? I heard the term in the film, Kingsmen: The Secret Service (no spoilers).

Basically, I'm very, very confused regarding what "the governor", or "the guv'nah," means, especially in the contextual situations in Kingsman.
Is it slang? Is it basically a part of thuggish and/or chav-ish vocabulary?
Without spoiling, here is the context in which it is used, with background:
The protagonist (a university-aged kid whom I would call "chav"-ish) has a step-father, who is an abusive, violent thug.
He is referred to as "the governeguv'nah" of the group of chav-ish-cronies/thugs/lackeys/members/followers/etc., and the group needs his permission if they want to bully the protagonist since he's married to the kid's mother. Makes me assume that "guv'nah" means "leader of a street gang."
When the group, minus "the governor," wants to bully the kid the group says "what, you think we can't touch you just because your mum is married to our guv'nah?" and the protagonist says, "mmmyeah...pretty much."
So, what does "governor" mean here?
Is it like the leader of a street-level gang (maybe some low-level drug dealing and sports-betting/bookie activities), as opposed to the leader of a mafia, which is a much larger operation and organization, has all sorts of strict rules, has a set structure and hierarchy, and has an institutional level influence (like "owning" some police/judges/lawmakers/et al.) -- basically, the leader of a street-level gang and not a Don of a mafia.
Here's the other part of the confusion.
At least with respect to the context of the film: when the protagonist is given a favor by someone else, a middle-aged gentleman, he says, "thank you, you're the guv'nah." It was used like "you're the man."
So, is it more of a generalized slang term for "the boss" or "the man", rather than "leader of a street level gang"?
This is why I'm confused -- the two contextual situations give the term really different meanings.
TL;DR -- What does "governor" -- or, "guv'nah" -- mean in the UK? Kingsman uses it twice but they made it more confusing for me: one was used to describe a street gang leader, the other was used as a thanking compliment to a gentleman in the "you're the man" way.
EDIT: Thanks for the responses. It's odd. I keep seeing that it's rarely used, and it's evident by the wide range of definitions provided. Yet, the film is British and was written, directed, and acted by British people (Sam L Jackson is the only American) -- so it wasn't like an American who wrote the script thinking that "that's the way British people talk!", even though it appears that way.
submitted by Death_Star_ to unitedkingdom [link] [comments]

bookies meaning slang video

Bhad Bhabie Back Up Terry! - YouTube Color of skin means absolutely nothing, Love does: Shaniera Akram  Meri Kahaani Leek Jack - Campus Girl lyrics #TenToesDown Challenge Song Lucky Daye - Love You Too Much (Audio) - YouTube Slap My Nuts - YouTube

It's slang, rude words and euphemisms from all over Britain. That includes England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the floaty, rocky bits nearby. Our dictionary aims to be authentic - not made-up (like Roger's Profanisaurus - which we love by the way). This is real slang used by real Brits. Sling Your Slang Get your slang in the dictionary Bookie definition, bookmaker (def. 1). See more. A bookie is a person whose business is accepting other people’s gambling bets, such as on sporting events. It can also refer to a company that does this. Bookie is the common, informal name for a bookmaker.The word book in bookmaker refers to a record of bets.. The word bookie is associated with illegal betting operations, especially those run Usually used with bookies; if you bet "a nickel," that means a $500 wager. Oddsmaker (also linemaker): The person who sets the odds. Some people use it synonymous with "bookmaker" and often the Gambling slang is really interesting. People always come up with their own terms when it comes to gambling. Today this is even truer since you can play casino games at both online and land-based casinos. Read on to check out some of the most common gambling slang terms you are most likely to hear at Australian casinos. Hopefully, this will help Bookie: A bookie is someone, who facilitates gambling -- commonly on sporting events. A bookie sets odds, accepts and places bets, and pays out winnings on behalf of other people. This is often Bookie definition is - a person who determines gambling odds and receives and pays off bets : bookmaker. How to use bookie in a sentence. Anything out of the ordinary! A shady character that takes illegal bets on horse races, fights, sports games. Such people usually are robbed regularly as they have large amounts of money. Cheap Bhocolate Bhip Bookies Full And Bookie Slang Meaning Doc A bet on baseball that only plays if both of the scheduled starting pitchers end up starting the game. A game is said to be fixed if the outcome has been determined or influenced by unfair factors. The opposite of laying the price or laying the odds. Bookie means wierd for example, you would use it to say that someone is acting different or wierd. This article will explain and give you the meaning of words used in slang language - if you want just a betting glossary,read another of our articles - Betting Terms Explained;A Glossary. Many times punters have watched films or been in company of experienced gamblers and been completely baffled by whats being discussed,as many bettors use slang to exclude others who do not share their passion

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bookies meaning slang

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